Leisure Painter — June 2017

(Wang) #1
well-saturated colours. These colours
are priced in Series, using a numeric or
alphabetical coding – for instance 1 to 5
or A to E, A or 1 being the cheapest.
This code will be marked on the tube.
Student quality colours are usually made
to a single price, with pigment costs
reduced by adding filler and by replacing
expensive colours, such as the cadmiums
and cobalts, with ‘hue’ colours, blended
from cheaper pigments to look like the
named colours. These are usually labelled
as hue, such as cobalt blue hue. They may
also be bound in cheaper resins, which are
milky when in the wet paint, giving a
softer and paler colour than the paint will
reveal when dry. In many cases you will
find that Student colour lacks the opacity
found in the Artists’ ranges. It can be rather
streaky, make flat colours and obliteration
hard to achieve. However, in some subject
matter this streaky translucency can be
used most effectively.

Artists’ quality
Daler-Rowney Cryla Heavy BodyThis was
the first British-made acrylic colour, first
marketed in 1963. The paint is buttery,
retaining brushstrokes well. Cryla is
available in a range of 87 colours and the
price of Series A 75ml tube is £7.75(rrp).
Winsor & Newton Professional Acrylicgives
a longer working time, the transparent
binder ensures that there will be no colour
shift in colours from wet to dry. The 60ml
tube in Series 1 is £7.75(rrp).
Atelier Interactive Acrylicallows the painter
to have complete control over the drying
speed of the colour. Atelier Interactive has
a smooth, buttery consistency, drying to a
velvety satin finish. The colour is available
in a range of 75 colours with a Series 1
80ml tube costing £5.80(rrp).
Golden Open Acrylicis a slow drying Artists’
acrylic with a slightly softer consistency.
Mixed colours do not dry out on the
palette. Covering the palette with Clingfilm
will retain a wet palette for days. There are
80 colours available in 60ml tubes at the
price of £8.50(rrp) in Series 1.
Liquitex Heavy Body AcrylicThere are 100
colours in this thick and richly buttery,
satin-finish colour. Liquitex is good for
impastowork, retaining brushstrokes well.
Its slower drying speed makes it ideal
where blended effects are required. The
59ml tubes cost £7.25(rrp) for Series 1.

Student quality
Daler-Rowney System 3 Acrylic Original
Popular among beginners and students, its
60 colours have good pigment loading and
will give slight impasto. For a heavier
texture there is the System 3 Heavy Body
range, available in 35 colours. Both ranges
come in 75ml and 150ml tubes and in
larger pots. The 75ml tubes cost £4.96(rrp).
Daler-Rowney Graduate AcrylicAffordable,
bright and strong, non-toxic acrylics made
for beginners or those who work large.
The colours come in 120ml tubes with
push-up caps, or pots of up to 1litre.
The 120ml tube cost £3.75(rrp).
Winsor & Newton Galeria AcrylicThe 60
colours are saturated and brilliant, with

http://www.painters-online.co.uk JUNE 2017 33



The first column of the colour chart below shows the power of the brand’s titanium
white and whether or not it obliterates well. The white was applied in tube consistency
in a thin but dense stroke.
The colour shift spots show how our eight colours fare when the wet and dry spots
are compared, the colours mixed sometimes becoming more saturated or darker in tone
when dry. To demonstrate this, in the first column I put a spot of the brand’s cadmium
red (in Student quality colours the red was a hue colour). I dried this quickly with a hair
dryer and checked its tone and saturation against the wet colour. I then replicated the
wet colour as per the second spot.
The second test was to check for colour shift in colours reduced to tints with white –
the colour shift is often more obvious when white is added. In all but one of the Artists’
colours there was no colour shift, whereas the Student colours all exhibited this trait.





Winsor &

System 3


& Newton

when dry

when wet

when dry

when wet

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