Leisure Painter — June 2017

(Wang) #1

44 JUNE 2017 http://www.painters-online.co.uk

Soft pastel

Step 4 Base colour
For the sea and beach, initially give the paper a layer of
dark Prussian blue using a harder pastel and finishing with
Additional 49 soft pastel (I used Unison). Apply enough to
give the paper a darker depth, but not too much as you want
to add all the other beach colours. Remember all the time
where the light areas are going to be then limit the amount
of pastel you put in those areas.


Step 1 Begin with the sky
1 Make a quick sketch with a light coloured pastel
pencil, just to establish the position of the horizon line.
2 Using the side of the pastel, create an underpainting of base
colours by introducing blues, blue greys, turquoise and Prussian
blue. Make sure you leave clear the area where the warmer
colours are going to be, as it’s always difficult to add light over
dark. Make the most of this micro-abrasive surface primer by
adding multiple light layers of pastel to create wonderful mixes
of colour and light. Take good note of how much pastel you
put on the paper. Remember, less is more.


Step 2 Layering colour
Apply and mix various blues, purples and
warmer colours into the sky then connect the
colours together. The dark Prussian blue clouds,

for instance, contain sky blues, purples, reds and
2 After completing the darker layers of pastel, add the
warmth in the sky, beginning with deep orange reds and
oranges. Again, take note of how
much pastel you put on the paper.
3 Try to catch the tooth of
the paper lightly with an
ever-changing palette of reds,
oranges and cyans in a loose
and erratic manner. Remember
where the light source is coming
from and where it needs to be.

Step 3 Finishing the sky
1 Finally, bring the sky to
life with soft yellows along
with beautiful soft oranges
and rich reds.
2 Blending is a wonderful
technique, especially for
creating weather effects,
such as mist, fog, snow and
clouds, but you need to control
it. Ask yourself how much
blending do you need to
do here before you begin.


tYour reference photographs for this painting


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