Artists & Illustrators — June 2017

(Nandana) #1
12 Artists & Illustrators

This London-based photorealist artist uses paint to chart
his obsessions. And since he first painted his record stack
as a private musical memento to take with him when he
moved to London, Ian’s work has grown to encompass
other people’s passion projects, too. Today, he creates still
lifes of book collections, such as Horniman Anthropology.
Moving to study at University of the Arts London and,
later, Wimbledon College of Art, he “began to make a
connection with museum collections in study rooms.” This
painting is a personal response to the subject; an attempt
to capture the spirit of the books and the person who
collected them. “A lot of preparation goes into layout and
composition,” says Ian. He studied them at the Horniman
Museum, the former home of the eponymous collector. “I
made an appointment and discussed the collection.
Historical anthropology and travel books are a large part,
due to Frederick Horniman’s occupation as a trader.”
He made a handful of small drawings and took photos,
spending a day handling the books. “My goal was to

experiment with colour and lighting, and capture a handful
of options on camera. The challenge was the balance
between foreground, background and bookstack detail.”
Back in his studio, Horniman’s Anthropology was worked
on two days a week and completed in a month. “I work over
various underpainting layers as I go,” says Ian. “I begin with
still life drawing and, using photographic reference, transfer
the drawing to canvas. I like to map the work out in
monochrome, sometimes with acrylic colours.” He painted
the background blend before adding each book in turn,
working quickly with small rigger sign-writing brushes,
wet-on-wet. “A mahl stick keeps my hands out of the paint
and I even use it to paint lines. I like Old Holland oil paint
neutral tint or sepia extra rather than black, usually.”
And with his meticulous approach, Ian builds an image
that connects us to the physical history of his subject – the
painting is almost an invite to reach in and flick through the
books’ crumpled pages, just as their previous owner did.
Horniman’s Anthropology is available as a limited edition giclee

ABOVE Horniman
oil on wood panel,
44x60cm >


12 Fresh Paint.indd 12 06/04/2017 12:

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