Artists & Illustrators — June 2017

(Nandana) #1


ou often have to search out a subject
but, every now and again, a scene
will fi nd you. A short walk from the
studio was Rhinasol, on the banks of Loch
Kishorn. It had the ingredients for the perfect
picture – water, mountains and old boats.
This painting was done as a group
demonstration to show how I work in mixed
media using watercolour and pastel.


I used a stretched sheet of watercolour
paper because I need it to stay fl at to take
pastel. I added a strip of masking tape
around the edge, and took this off halfway. It
acts as a mount and helps me to assess the
painting. For the initial drawing, I used a 4B
solid graphite pencil and blocked in darks
with a black chisel-tip permanent fi bre-tip
pen. Placing the darkest darks early helps to
establish tonal range. Using an old rigger
brush I applied masking fl uid to reserve
highlights on the water, posts and boats.
Using a 1-inch hake, I covered the paper
using fl uid, wet-in-wet washes of Ultramarine,
Raw Sienna, Permanent Sap Green and Burnt
Umber. When this was completely dry, I
rubbed off the masking fl uid.


I added a wash of Raw Sienna over parts
of the foreground, including the grasses
which were masked with the medium. I added
darker greens with a mix of Ultramarine and
Raw Sienna. I switched to a No 12 round
brush and, with a mix of Ultramarine and
Burnt Umber, built the tones around the
boats. When dry, I began to add the pastel.


I fi rmed up some of the drawing of the
boats with the tip of a black Conte
crayon, added a light blue (Blue Violet 7) over
parts of the sky and a grey (Grey 10) over bits
of the mountain, echoing some of this colour
in the loch. I like to use pastels on their side
to create texture. I added a warm green
(Yellow Green Earth 9) to the middle distance
and I applied this to the foreground, along
with a lighter green (Yellow Green Earth 7).
I used a cooler green (Green 19) for the
middle distance and, for the beach, I used a
pink (Red Earth 13) and a purple-grey (Light
13). This was also used to highlight the bows
of the foreground boats and post. Finally,
using a rigger brush, I fl icked in a few more
grasses. Because of the changeable weather
conditions, time is a key factor. There is little
opportunity to think so this gives energy and
a greater spontaneity to the work.

ray’s materials

Winsor & Newton:
Ultramarine, Raw Sienna,
Permanent Sap Green,
Burnt Umber
Unison Soft Pastels: Blue
Violet 7, Grey 10, Yellow
Green Earth 7 and 9, Green
19, Red Earth 13, Light 13
1-inch hake, no 12 round,
Arches 140lb (Not)

Mixed-media demonstration


58 Ray Balkwill.indd 61 07/04/2017 10:47

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