Artists & Illustrators — June 2017

(Nandana) #1
Artists & Illustrators 87


AchiEve chromatic effects with underpainting
in three colours and white. Morgan PenN shows
you how with his characterful new painting




A Twickenham street was evacuated when a
cache of weapons, including a working
submachine gun, was discovered in an old
lady’s home after her death. It emerged she
had been a Cold War spy. This lady was my
neighbour, and inspired the portrait of the
allotment gardeners: I was convinced the
older generation had a secret and colourful
world they were not letting on about.
I contacted the Richmond and Twickenham
Times about my project, and they kindly ran
an article calling for gentlemen gardeners
over the age of 80 to take part in an oil
portrait. The response was huge. I set up a
marquee in the garden to create a diffused

summer light. Ping pong balls were used as
substitute snails for the guys to yell and
shout at, and a cardboard box was used as a
stand-in wooden crate. My wife, Julie, laid on
sandwiches, cakes, scones and lots of
brandy. A photoshoot is the only way to
capture fl eeting moments and expressions,
and is also the best way to quickly try lots of
ideas. Traditional sittings are arranged after a
composition has been completed. I had a
long checklist of things I wanted the guys to
do, such as waving beer bottles and wads of
money, ripping up betting slips and so on.
The brandy bottles were emptied.

I sifted through 4,000 photographs and
reduced them to 20 images per person.
I created two possible compositions in
Photoshop and printed them out actual
size to pin on the wall. I also emailed
images to friends to get opinions, and
everyone was in agreement on the best.

Artists &&& Illustrators Illustrators 87

A Snail’s
Pace in
oil on linen,

87 Morgan Penn Portraits.indd 87 06/04/2017 14:46

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