Artists & Illustrators — June 2017

(Nandana) #1
92 Artists & Illustrators


Top tip
Use blocks of
colour to indicate
light and form
within the

Some colour notes are added, which
gives me a sense of how to pitch the
tones throughout the picture. I use the big
brush again to adjust the original drawing
and modify the shadows. Note how strong
the tonal contrast is around the fruit and pot.


As I block in across the canvas, I make
big adjustments to composition. All the
changes are contributing to the painting’s
creative development. The original drawing’s
robust mark-making is strong enough to hold
its ground as the paint splashes over.


I’m using the acrylic without a medium or
water. Acrylic is semi-transparent, so it’s
nice how the blues contrast by letting some
of the underpainting through. All the colours
are using the underpainting tone as a means
of harmonising the colour.


The geraniums are painted as blocks of
colour, modulating from orangey-red to
bright pink. I’m trying to suggest them with as
little detail as possible to free the purity of
the colour harmonies. Again with a bakers’
brush, I dash in contrast with green and Pthalo.


Painting freely sounds undisciplined, but I
am always on a knife-edge about having
a readable structure and spontaneous
mark-making. This section holds together the
stages: free drawing, loose application of
paint and a high level of abstraction.


With the bakers’ brush, I use blocks of
colour to indicate light and form.
Blending the colour would lessen the effect.
Small touches of turquoise, magenta, purple
and Pthalo Green work to describe form and
light while vivifying the colour contrasts.


One way to check if the painting is
firing on all cylinders is to look at it in
a frame. The edges are ‘locked in’ to give you
a sense of how dynamic or unbalanced the
composition is. I was happy with the balance
of colour and structure achieved.


The painting is well on the way, but I still
paint out a section in the bottom left to
clarify the composition and rework the colour.
You can see how balanced the composition is
with the angle of the chairs taken from a high
viewpoint to increase the spatial dynamic.

90 Terence Clarke.indd 92 06/04/2017 17:25

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