The Times - UK (2022-06-11)

(Antfer) #1

44 saturday review Saturday June 11 2022 | the times

● ITV West Country As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 The Westcountry Debate
● ITV Yorkshire As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 Last Orders
● STV As ITV except: 1.30pm-6.00 Live
STV Racing: Royal Ascot 8.30-9.00
Scotland Tonight 10.30 STV News 10.45
Price Rises: The Secrets of Your Shopping
Bill: Tonight 11.10 Bodies of Evidence: The
Butcher Surgeon (r) 12.30am-3.00
Teleshopping 3.50-5.05 Unwind with STV
● UTV As ITV except: 10.45pm-11.10 Rare
Breed: A Farming Year (r)
● BBC Scotland 7.00pm My Kind of
Town (r) 7.30 Loggerheads (r) 8.00
Beechgrove 8.30 Landward 9.00
The Nine 10.00 Killing Escobar (r)
11.30pm-Midnight Mirror Mirror (r)
● S4C 6.00am Cyw 12.00 News 12.05pm
Bwrdd i Dri (r) 12.30 Heno (r) 1.00 Gerddi
Cymru (r) 1.30 Cymru, Dad a Fi (r) 2.00
News 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 News 3.05
Corau Rhys Meirion (r) 4.00 Awr Fawr
5.00 Stwnsh: Dennis a Dannedd 5.10 Ar
Goll yn Oz (r) 5.35 Potsh (r) 5.55 Ffeil 6.00
Bois y Pizza (r) 6.30 Rownd a Rownd (r)
6.57 News S4C 7.00 Heno 7.30 News 8.00
Pobol y Cwm 8.25 Rownd a Rownd 8.55
News 9.00 Y Fets 10.00 Am Dro! (r)
11.00-11.35 Stiwdio Gefn (r)
(r) repeat (SL) In-vision signing

● BBC1 N Ireland As BBC1 except:
10.40pm The View 11.20 Question Time.
Debate from Newcastle-upon-Tyne
12.20am Newscast 12.50 Extraordinary
Portraits (r) 1.20-6.00 BBC News
● BBC2 N Ireland As BBC2 except:
10.00pm-10.30 There’s No Place
Like Tyrone. Last in the series (r)
● BBC1 Scotland As BBC1 except:
11.15am Bargain Hunt (r) 12.00-1.00pm
First Minister’s Questions
● Channel As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 The Last Word
● ITV Anglia As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 Anglia Late Edition
● ITV Border As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 Around the House
● ITV Central As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 Central Lobby
● ITV Granada As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 The Granada Debate
● ITV London As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 Regional Programme
● ITV Meridian As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 The Last Word
● ITV Tyne Tees As ITV except:
10.45pm-11.10 Around the House
● ITV Wales As ITV except: 8.30pm-9.00
Wales This Week 10.45 Backstage
11.10-11.40 Price Rises: The Secrets of
Your Shopping Bill — Tonight

Britain’s Dog

Poo Scandal

Channel 5, 8pm

Japan may have the annual
majesty of the spring blossom,
but here in Britain there’s the
year-round spectacle of lower
tree branches flowering with
small plastic bags full of dog
mess. Worse are the rogue dog
owners whose hounds let rip
on footpaths and pavements,
these poo-petrators the focus
of this investigation led by
Alexis Conran and four-legged
sidekick Gelmer. In some areas
the problem has become so
serious vigilantes are no longer
taking any, well, you know, and
Conran meets those who’ve
taken it upon themselves to
clean up the streets. TE

Who Do You

Think You Are?

BBC1, 9pm

Margot Williams dropped out
of university while studying for
a medical degree, and decades
later her grandson Matt Lucas
left his university studies. Their
reasons for leaving couldn’t be
more contrasting; while Lucas
struck out to pursue a comedy
career, her future was denied
to her by Nazi legislation.
Lucas’s travels to Berlin and
Amsterdam reveal how
Margot’s family were murdered
by the Nazis, with one relative’s
attempt to flee persecution
bringing him into the home
of someone who would
become one of the era’s most
famous figures. TE

Bradford on Duty

BBC2, 9pm

There are times when you
can try to dance around a
well-worn cliché, one that
perpetuates an unhelpful and
parochial stereotype belonging
in the past, but in this instance
there’s no getting away from it
— there’s trouble at t’mill. The
second episode of this
documentary series that
follows public service workers
accompanies one police
community support officer to
an abandoned mill, where he’s
tasked with breaking up an
illicit modern-day trade. Once
Bradford was famed for its
woollen trade and the money it
generated; what the PCSO
finds is a massive and lucrative
cannabis farm. TE

The Real Derry:



Channel 4, 10pm

The emotional finale of Derry
Girls encapsulated a spirit of
optimism and hope. The legacy
of the Troubles, however,
remains and Derry’s own
O’Donnell meets the city’s
young people to learn about
their experiences growing up
after the Good Friday
agreement. O’Donnell is able to
compare her experiences as a
Catholic growing up in Derry.
Her preparations for Beyond
the Silence, a special event
marking the 50th anniversary
of Bloody Sunday, stir difficult
memories of her childhood. TE

The Admirable Crichton (U, 1957)
Film4, 1.05pm
Kenneth More stars as Bill Crichton, the unflappable butler to
a family of chinless but impeccably bred aristos. Crichton, like
his employers, is a firm believer in knowing one’s place. And his
place is below stairs running the household like a well-oiled
machine. But then the family and staff are shipwrecked on a desert
island, and with his capable self-reliance Crichton soon becomes
the leader of the de facto society. Directed by Lewis Gilbert
(Alfie, Educating Rita, Shirley Valentine), this Technicolor picture is
based on a play by JM Barrie and was released in the US under
the title Paradise Lagoon (producers were worried that an
American audience would think that it was a film about the navy).
(93min) Wendy Ide

Films of the day

Love & Mercy (12, 2014)
BBC2, 11.15pm
Although all of the musician biopic clichés are here in Love
& Mercy, Bill Pohlad’s impressionistic account of the fall and
rise of the Beach Boys visionary Brian Wilson, the execution is
intriguing enough to make this particular biopic feel fresh,
new even. The story jumps between two parallel timelines.
The first, featuring Paul Dano as the younger Brian, above, shows
the musician at the peak of his creativity. The second features
John Cusack as a broken, cowed Brian in the 1980s struggling to
rebuild a life and a mind that fell apart under the pressure of
his career. Philip Seymour Hoffman was briefly considered to
play Wilson in a third act, but that was ultimately discarded.
(121min) WI

Regional programmes



Guy Garvey: From the Vaults
There are now three series of
this excellent show for lovers
of the music of the 1970s to
the 1990s to dip into. Guy
Garvey is the ursine narrator
for a curated selection
of “buried treasure”
from ITV’s archive in
Leeds. As much as the
songs themselves,
judiciously chosen by artists
and bands — this avoids the
clichéd tracks you hear ad
nauseam on mainstream radio
stations — what’s great are the
time-capsule sights of the
shows of each era: not just

The Tube, but shows such as
Supersonic, Something for the
Weekend and Bliss. There is
also unseen concert footage,
such as Kate Bush, below, in

  1. All this rubs up against
    rare bits of contemporary news
    reportage on the latest “scene”,
    such as Alan Partridge, sorry
    Richard Madeley, visiting the
    New Romantics in 1981. TE

Thursday 16 | Viewing guide

Critic’s choice

The Lazarus Project

Sky Max/Now, 9pm

Time has been weird for us all
over the past two and a half
years but days and weeks and
months have begun to
assume their familiar forms.
This isn’t the case for George
(Paapa Essiedu, right), whose
life becomes a déjà vu loop
where he’s the only person
who can remember marrying
the love of his life, expecting
his first child and the
onslaught of a new pandemic.
Plus, he’s completely out of
whack with bin day. Before
you can say, “Next slide,
please,” George receives an
explanation from the
mysterious Archie (Anjli
Mohindra) for his
discombobulation at having
lived through life-changing
events that have even passed
by his partner Sarah (Charly
Clive). His gift — or curse — is
to recall timelines after
they’ve been reset by Archie
and her colleagues at the
Lazarus Project, a unit that

prevents the destruction of
humanity by rewinding time.
There’s a breeziness to the
head-twisting concept that
sweeps you along and the
script doesn’t wrap itself in
knots attempting to explain
how it all works. This is a show
where the team celebrates
saving mankind by going out
for two-for-one cocktails and
karaoke, and has the cheery
confidence to feature a
training montage set to REM’s
It’s the End of the World as We
Know It (And I Feel Fine).
“Extinction” was the original
title of this sci-fi thriller from
Joe Barton (Giri/Haji), as the
team’s core principle is to only
intervene when the
destruction of humanity is
assured. Anything less than
extinction is off-limits for
timey-wimey tinkering, which
presents George with an
impossible crisis before
the first episode is over.
Toby Earle
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