The Times - UK (2022-06-11)

(Antfer) #1
the times Saturday June 11 2022

Outside 19


a forest in the sense of a solid block of
trees, but rather a mosaic of different
soils and habitats. Figwort, bryony, herb
bennet and wild strawberry carpeted the
broad ride through the wood, and on the
limestone soils in the old quarries of
Stonepit Close and Ring Haw we found
milky blue masses of speedwell,
silverweed with papery yellow flowers,
common spotted orchids, and tall nettle-
leaved bellflowers about to bloom.
The homeward path ran through
beautiful wildflower meadows. Here we
paused to watch a whitethroat perched
in the fork of a tall sprig of angelica, its


he houses of Nassington
looked lovely this sunny
afternoon in their creamy
yellow-grey limestone,
the crocketed spire of St
Mary’s church rising above
all. Inside the church tall
arcades rose into the cool interior air.
Armed knights and their horses rode the
walls in red ochre, courtesy of some
anonymous medieval muralist.
Village children were squealing in the
primary school playground as we set out
north from Nassington along the broad
valley of the River Nene. The age-old
debate over the pronunciation — “Neen”
or “Nen” — of this East Midlands river
was eventually settled, in 2021, by
means of a croquet match, the winners
declaring in favour of the latter. How
very British.
The Nene Way led through lush
buttercup meadows along the river’s
flood plain. An ancient barge slumbered
in retirement up a rushy side channel
where reed buntings squeaked and
chittered. We stopped to nibble apples
and cheese in the shade of a poplar
grove, lulled by the soporific sighing of
millions of long-stalked leaves agitated
by each gentle breath of breeze.

The stone-walled lanes of Yarwell lay
baking in the sun. Up at Wansford the
many arches of the Tudor bridge
spanned the Nene and its flood
meadows. In Wansford churchyard lay
Albert and Ann Padley, married 71 years
and separated in their deaths by just four
days — a testament to constancy
illustrated by the two companion swans
carved on their headstone.
A treble hum of bees and hoverflies
greeted us as we entered the shade of
Old Sulehay Forest, a refuge for plants,
insects and birds. This piece of ancient
woodland above the Nene Valley is not

A good walk Nassington, Nene

Valley and Old Sulehay, Northants





Old Sulehay






Wansford Bridge

Church of
St Mary
the Virgin


St Mary’s Queen’s



500 metres




white chest puffed out, round black eye
as shiny as polished jet, and sharp thorn
of a beak packed with green caterpillars
for its hungry nestlings.
Start St Mary’s Church, Nassington,
Peterborough PE8 6QH (OS ref 063962)
Getting there Bus: CallConnect (0345
263 8153, Road:
Nassington is signed off A6118 at
Wansford (A1, Peterborough-Stamford)
Walk OS Explorer 227. From west end of
church, left along Church Road. At
T-junction, right (068962), in 50m, left,
following waymarked Nene Way/NW
north for 2½ miles to Wansford Bridge
(074992). Left; left along Yarwell Road.
Pass surgery; in 150m, right (070991,
fingerpost, stile) on path. In 150m left
(black arrow (BLA), parallel to road. In
450m path bends left; in 30m fork left;
in 100m, right (067988) on bridleway
through Old Sulehay Forest for 1 mile.
At road, left (054984); on left bend, right
(054980) through gate on path round
Ring Haw. In ½ mile through five-bar
gate (053973); cross byway; take path to
right of Ring Haw Field Station. Kissing
gate, then field edge path. In 200m
through five-bar gate (052970); left
(arrow) on field path (BLAs). In 350m,
right across old railway (055968); left
(arrows, BLAs) across fields. In ½ mile
through housing estate to road in
Nassington (061964); left to church.
Lunch/accommodation Queen’s Head,
Nassington PE8 6QB (01780 784006,
More information
Twitter @somerville_c
Christopher Somerville

A hum of bees

and hoverf lies

greeted us as

we entered the

shade of Old

Sulehay Forest

The River Nene near
Wansford village.
Top right: St Mary’s
Church, Nassington.
Above: whitethroats can
be seen in and around
Old Sulehay Forest

How hard is it?

7¼ miles; easy; field

and woodland paths

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