The Times - UK (2022-06-11)

(Antfer) #1

the times | Saturday June 11 2022 39


It’s been a busy week for
Sir Graham Brady, far left,
Paddington Bear and
Jeremy Hunt

couldn’t afford them anyway, and
wouldn’t be on benefits if they could.”
“So your problem is that although it
sounds good it won’t actually work?”
says Boris.
“Yes,” I say.
“So nothing important then,” says

Priti Patel Starting to worry the
Rwanda thing won’t work, either.
We’re stuck in the High Court.
“Your mistake,” says the PM, “was
actually doing it. Rather than just
announcing it.”
“With a rap,” agrees Nadine.

Michael Gove Meanwhile, I am
backing this proposal to increase the
smoking age by one year, every year,
for ever. And yes, I know it sounds
complicated. But just think about
what happens, already, with the age at
which people start voting

Alok Sharma Also, I am thinking
about leaving the Conservative Party
to go and be the UN’s climate chief.
Because we’re on borrowed time, and
the apocalypse looms, and future
generations will look back in horror
at all of our stupid mistakes. And even
climate change isn’t nearly so bleak as


Prince Charles Actually, not Noddy.
Think of the headlines.

Boris Johnson “Look,” I tell cabinet,
“I know some people want a reshuffle.
But I’m not keen. Because can
anybody honestly think of a single
person sitting around this table who
we’d be better off without?”
“Is that a trick question?” asks
Michael Gove.

Queen Elizabeth II We have been
watching all the stuff we missed, on
catch-up. Was that really Kate Moss
on a bus?

Sir Graham Brady Now I need to
write a letter to tell all the people who
have already written letters when
they are allowed to next write a letter.
Because you can only do it once a
year. Like Christmas cards.

Boris Johnson Can’t believe I’m still
here, actually.

Paddington Bear Me, neither. Thank
God for the High Court. Thought I’d
be in Kigali by now.
*according to Hugo Rifkind

Dominic Raab I quite agree that the
PM shouldn’t resign. How would it
help? There are simply no other
credible senior figures in the
Conservative Party. And no, I can’t
quite believe I just said that out loud
on the television, either.

Boris Johnson In cabinet.
Demanding policies. Literally don’t
care what they are. Could be any old
balls, so long as we can announce
them. Ideally either through one of
Grant’s utterly peculiar videos, or
another of Nadine’s mad TikTok raps.

Sajid Javid Keen to help, I am
explaining that the NHS needs vital
reform. Because it is a Blockbuster
service in the age of Netflix.
“I don’t understand,” says Jacob
“It’s an online streaming service
that has replaced videos,” I explain.
Jacob stares at me.
“They were cassettes that played
telly,” I explain.
Jacob keeps staring at me.
“It’s like the wireless,” I say. “But
with pictures.”


Prince Charles Blasted bear not
returning calls. Desperately hunting
for another beloved children’s fiction
icon to have tea with, so as to win
over public. Maybe Noddy?

Lisa Nandy I am on television
attacking the government over the
looming rail strikes.
And I have pointed out that we are
entirely on the striking workers’ side.
But we are also on the public’s side.
Because there are two sides. And we
are on both of them.

Sir Keir Starmer I agree with Lisa.
But also, and this is crucial, I don’t.

Rishi Sunak “Look, boss,” I say to the
PM, “I know you want policies.
But there are some problems
with your big housing
announcement for people on
“Drat,” says Boris.
“For one thing,” I say, “we can’t
afford it. And for another
thing, we don’t actually own
all the homes we’re planning
on selling. And for a third
thing, people on benefits

Most other cabinet ministers What
he said.

Nadine Dorries Actually the MPs
who voted against him are all
Remainers and the sooner they lose
their seats the better and what do you
mean that’s an insane thing for me to
say, which side are you on?

Douglas Ross No, I don’t think the
opposite of what I used to think. I
think the opposite of the opposite of
the opposite.

Allies of the PM Now he needs to fill
his government with people who
didn’t vote for him.

Also allies of the PM But he also
needs to purge his government of
people who didn’t vote for him.

Allies of the PM, again Look, it’s

Bob Seely I have been explaining to
journalists that it is an outrageous
slur to suggest that I backed the PM
in exchange for more funding for the
Isle of Wight.

Also Bob Seely Unrelatedly, I’m
looking forward to our new spaceport.

Boris Johnson So now I’m speaking
to MPs and explaining the drama is
over. And it is time to focus on
“Hooray!” say slightly over half of
“So,” I add, “can anybody think of


Prince Harry Back in Los Angeles
now. Didn’t really want to see the
family, but I’m pretty annoyed we
missed Paddington. Never met him.
Although I think Meghan invited him
to our wedding.

Our Week



Paddington Bear It was a great
honour for this little immigrant bear
to have tea with Her Majesty. But I
was hoping to get to jump out of a

Duke of York Felt a bit left out
watching it all on television. So this
morning I’m popping around to see

Duke of York Oh wait, I’ve got Covid.

Jesse Norman I have written a letter
to announce that I have written a

Sir Graham Brady Actually that’s
enough letters now. Sorry. I wasn’t
counting the ones in green ink.

Boris Johnson Action stations, folks!
Confidence vote tonight! We need big
names to get out there and defend

Nadine Dorries Personally I think
anybody who votes against the PM is
a dirty traitor who should be thrown
down a well.

Boris Johnson Wait, not her.

Priti Patel Can’t help. Too busy. Bit of
a issue with Rwanda.

Michael Fabricant And I am washing
my hair. Or rather, I was. But now it’s
in the dryer.

Jacob Rees-Mogg Relax, prime
minister. I can handle this with more

Jacob Rees-Mogg Jesse Norman
smells of wee.

Jeremy Hunt It is with great
reluctance that I must finally say
exactly what I’ve already been saying
for about three years.

Nadine Dorries The thing is,
Jeremy’s party caused the pandemic

and none of them should ever work

Jeremy Hunt She’s amazing.

Nadine Dorries Thank you.

Cabinet sources The PM is fine so
long as there are no more than 100

Cabinet sources Wait, we meant 130
rebels. No, 150.

Boris Johnson Ahead of the
confidence vote, I have told the party
that we must avoid getting into some
hellish Groundhog Day situation
which bogs us down for ever.

Boris Johnson Which means I need
to win. Not lose. In case that wasn’t


Queen Elizabeth II Actually we
enjoyed meeting the bear
enormously. We would have met him
years ago. But Philly would have shot

Jacob Rees-Mogg The prime minister
has won an overwhelming victory.
But we are a democracy, so a victory
of only one would also have been fine.
Or of even less than one. A fraction
of 1 per cent of one single MP. In fact,
if all the MPs were in a barrel, and all
we had was the last desperate
scrapings from the bottom?
Perfectly acceptable.

Jacob Rees-Mogg Yes but the
situation with Theresa May was
completely different.

Nadhim Zahawi The
PM has won
handsomely and
nothing has changed
whatsoever except
for the final
withering away of
the last fragment of
my self-respect and
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