The Times - UK (2022-06-11)

(Antfer) #1

the times | Saturday June 11 2022 83


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10



13 14 15


17 18 19 20


22 23


25 26

27 28


1 Fix outside of broken boat: get
fuel here (4,3)
5 Depraved Republican’s off to
arouse a Liberal (7)
9 Unresponsive pet given a pick-me-
up (9)
10 Compare plant on rocks to some
ears? (5)
11 Journalist runs into alleged
adulterer (13)
13 Wind around island makes for
poor hearing (8)
15 Capital transfixed by leaders of
general workers in industrial
action (2-4)
17 Native American western at
famous corral on location in
California (6)
19 Drug dealer using speed sustains
damage (8)
22 Crossing one game with another
25 Making call, I land (5)

5$9(1286 7 % 2
1 ; 9 .(5&+ , ()
0$*3 , ( < 8 & )
7 $ 5(/ , ()0$36
+ 7 ( , 5 7
6((5 ;(123+2%,$
0 , 3 ( 5 & *
3$5$62/ 5,%&$*(
/ 7 6 0 0 8 5
$66(9(5$7( 5,$/
7 7 & 0 5 '
)257(3 , $12 ( 8
2 , 2 ' 9$1'$/
5('3$1'$ ( & 7
0 ( * 085'(5(5


26 Traumatic to increase crossword
output? (9)
27 Art working for a while perhaps to
create a storm? (7)
28 Follower found back in society
locale (7)


1 Expressed full agreement (4)
2 Criticises a revenue-raising
measure on radio (7)
3 One gripping beer half-heartedly
4 Grey not satisfied with girl’s
embrace (8)
5 Muscle oil giant’s keeping in
reserve (6)
6 Brilliance of older puns lost (9)
7 Knew reworked Breaking Bad as
resource for writer to draw on (7)
8 Why tangles developed between
ends? (10)
12 Legal details of right in case of
short measure... (5,5)
14 ...reason being to restrict supply of
beer (9)
16 Fetching gift from cleaner’s
mother (8)
18 Dog and mink scrapping for
territory (7)
20 I agree, shame when leader’s
lacking pleasant disposition (7)
21 Popular Muslim ruler seeing off
an attack (6)
23 Repeat song endlessly: nothing
can end it (5)
24 It’s no go for tech firm to survey
inappropriately (4)

Times Crossword No 28,314

A £20 Waterstones gift voucher will be awarded to the senders of the first five correct solutions
opened on Thursday. Enter by post to: Times Crossword No 28,314, PO Box 2164, Colchester, Essex
CO2 8LJ, or by email to: [email protected], with “Crossword 28314” in the subject line. Open
to 18+, UK & ROI residents only. Winners and solutions will appear on Monday week.



Times Crossword No 28,314

Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so
that the number in each circle is equal to
the sum of the four surrounding spaces,
and each colour total is correct.
Solution MindGames in Saturday Review

Suko No 3513

Quiz answers 1 Victoria Cross
2 Judaism 3 Ford 4 Grace Kelly or
Princess Grace of Monaco 5 Carbon
dioxide 6 Exile on Main St 7 Tel Aviv
8 Charles Darwin 9 Oscar Wilde
10 Noël Coward 11 Gilbert & George
12 British Council 13 Lock & Co — the
world’s oldest surviving hat shop
14 Multiverse 15 Kerch Strait 16 Waris
Dirie 17 Miriam Toews 18 Catford Hill
Climb 19 Ice hockey 20 Deborah

Concise Quintagram answers 1 Focus
2 Sierra 3 Escort 4 Prefect 5 Hereford.

Which cross is Britain’s highest
military gallantry award?

Rabbinic is the mainstream form
of which religion?

The “Centennial Blue Oval” is the
logo of which American car

The Oscar-winning costume
designer Helen Rose created
which princess’s wedding dress
in 1956?

The bubbles in champagne are
filled with which gas?

Exile in Guyville (1993) was
Liz Phair’s song-by-song reply to
which Rolling Stones’ double album?

Which Israeli city is named after
the Hebrew for “Spring Hill”?

Which English naturalist wrote
The Expression of the Emotions in
Man and Animals (1872)?

Moises Kaufman’s 1997 play Gross
Indecency is about the three trials
of which Irish playwright?

Which English playwright’s
1932 revue Words and Music
introduced the song Mad About
the Boy?

Which British artist duo
posed nude for the frieze-like
photographic composition Naked Eye

What is “the UK’s international
organisation for cultural
relations and educational

Founded in 1676, which London
hat shop introduced the bowler

Canada’s Hayley Wickenheiser
is widely considered the greatest
female player in which sport?

Which Dragons’ Den investor
is pictured?

hat and sells the [Anthony] Eden

Which apprenticeship training
business was founded in 2016 by
Euan Blair and Sophie Adelman?

Tuzla Island is in the middle of
which strait, connecting the
Black Sea and the Sea of Azov?

Which Somali model launched
her eponymous foundation, now
called the Desert Flower Foundation,
in 2002?

Which Canadian novelist wrote
A Complicated Kindness, All My
Puny Sorrows and Women Talking?

First raced on Westerham Hill
in 1887, what is the oldest
continuously run bike race in the


Answers below right

The Times Saturday Quiz Olav Bjortomt


O Tempora! Crossword CCCXLIX by Basil

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9













A weekly crossword for the classically minded

Last week’s O Tempora! solution

4 1 9 $ 6 6 8
8;25,86 $/7(5
$ 6 1 3 / $ %
5$7 ,2 (48 , 7(6
7 ( ; 7 ,
$*5,33,1$ 086
1 ( 5 8
$56 &21)(67 ,0
8 & 8 ( 0
1$55$17 3257$
2 ' 7 5 $ 5 7
7$85, ,175$9,
$ 6 6 ; , 6 0


8 9

10 11 12


14 15

16 17


19 20 21

22 23

Clues, which may
be straight or
mildly cryptic,
always lead to
answers in Latin

1 Matrimonium; eg tonsoris
cuiusdam Hispani (9)
6 17, say, with a capital letter (3)
8 Ligant; they bind or join together
9 Deae novem quae artibus praesunt
10 He has permission to leave (pres
subj) (5)
12 Enarro an erro? Bis aliter conor
decorare (6)
14 Cosi fan tutte (vel Latine, tutti)
16 ____ terra: the earth that nourishes
us (fem adj, cf nutrix) (6)
17 Passion, obsession (abl): magno
Aeneae ... ____ (Aen 1.675)
Dido’s love (5)
19 Illa quae oculis privata est
20 She has risen, e fluminis aqua,
fortasse (7)
22 (ex urbe) ____ ibo: I’m off to the
country seat (3)

23 Rex Creticus qui Graecis Troiam
oppugnantibus subvenit (9)

1 I have given up; me dedidi (8)
2 Either neither or nor (3)
3 Incendunt, igne affligunt (5)
4 Am I coming in or going out?
5 Remember this! Noli oblivisci!
(irreg imperative) (7)
6 By abandoning, deserting (gerund)
7 The olive tree (4)
11 Outstanding: “Brutus ... noster ____
omni genere laudis” Cicero
Academica 1.3 (9)
13 Forma, sensus quem amisit 19 (8)
15 Brotherly people; qui prope
Rhenum flumen habitabant (7)
17 Maxime cupere; etiam
nonnumquam valere (5)
18 Wholly sharp, or initially bitter (4)
21 Losing all hope: de omni ____
depulsus (3)

Correction to last Saturday’s quiz:
Concorde’s first scheduled flight, with
a menu by Paul Bocuse, was in 1976.
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