The Times Magazine - UK (2022-06-11)

(Antfer) #1


Serves 6

Ahh! Delicious pinchos. We love
these in my family, and they’re
probably more popular in
Extremadura and Andalusia than
anywhere else, although you will
find different versions throughout
Spain. They’re actually a remnant
of Moorish cuisine, similar to
kebabs. In Extremadura, we call
them pinchitos, because we love
the little things. At home, we
always use good-quality pork for
this dish, or sometimes free-range
chicken. My preference is to use
pork loin, but any good cut of
high-quality meat will work.
Don’t try to be posh with this one.
Eat it with fries and a tomato
salad. It’s devilishly good.

  • 2 tsp sweet smoked pimentón
    de la Vera

  • 1 tsp dried oregano

  • ½ tsp dried chilli flakes

  • 1 tsp ground cumin

  • 1 tbsp sherry vinegar

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • Sea salt and freshly ground
    black pepper

  • 800g pork loin, cut into
    2.5cm chunks

  • Tomato salad, to serve

  1. In a small bowl, mix the
    pimentón, oregano, chilli and
    cumin with the vinegar and oil.
    Season well and pour into a dish.

  2. Add the diced pork and toss
    well, then leave to marinate for
    at least 2 hours or, even better,

  3. Prepare your barbecue with
    good-quality charcoal and light it.
    Thread the meat onto metal
    skewers and barbecue them for
    5-6 minutes, turning every so
    often, until the meat is charred
    and tender. Serve with patatas
    fritas and a simple tomato salad.

This is easy to cook on a griddle
pan or under a hot grill. Just
remember to turn regularly to get
that nice charring on the meat.

Patatas fritas

  • 900g floury potatoes, peeled
    and cut into chips

  • 1 litre vegetable or olive oil

  • Sea salt

    1. Put the chips into a large pan of
      cold salted water and bring to the
      boil. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, then
      drain and return to the pan over
      a low heat to dry the potatoes.

    2. Pour the oil into a deep sauté
      pan. You want it to be about 4cm

The Times Magazine 41

deep. Heat the oil to 180C or
until a cube of bread browns in
30 seconds. Add the potatoes and
fry for 3-4 minutes until golden.
Drain on a plate lined with kitchen
roll and season with sea salt. Set
aside, keeping them warm.



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