PC World - USA (2021-06)

(Maropa) #1
JUNE 2022 PCWorld 15

    Of course there are always
    going to be things you can’t
    charge wirelessly (or times
    when you can’t wait for Qi’s
    inefficiency). To keep an outlet
    handy at all times, I’ve used this
    Belkin mini-surge protector
    (fave.co/3l9ONwI) for years.
    Not only is it an easy way to
    charge up laptops, tablets, and
    other gadgets (handily secured
    via Velcro to the edge of my desk), it makes a
    great travel companion too. Keep this in your
    bag and you’ll be the most popular person at
    the crowded airport wall outlet.

  2. USB HUB
    Speaking of things you can never have too
    much of: USB ports. Desktop users can (and


    All recent iPhone models and most premium
    Android phones now come with Qi wireless
    charging. And if you buy a charger directly
    from your phone’s manufacturer, they’re
    stupid pricey. Since Qi is an open standard,
    you have tons of choices for charging pads
    and stands. Personally, I love this series of
    chargers from Target’s house brand (fave.
    co/3wmzztH). They hide the charging pad in
    a nice-looking bamboo desk organizer (which
    comes in three sizes!) and include two bonus
    USB charging ports.

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