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68 PCWorld JUNE 2022



The best free antivirus for Android
How to play it safe on the cheap. BY IAN PAUL


eeping your Android phone
secure without security software
is doable, but for some people
it’s just plain risky. That’s
especially true if you open a lot of files on your
phone from email or messaging platforms, or
if you are, shall we say, a little too liberal with
the kinds of apps you’re willing to install—
even if they are from the Play Store.
If you want to make sure your Android
device is secure from these threats and

others, an antivirus app can help. In fact, there
are a bunch of completely free ones in
Google Play, but you want to make sure
you’re getting security from a known and
reputable company. Because there’s only one
thing worse than getting pwned by an app
you downloaded from Google Play: getting
pwned by an antivirus app you downloaded
from Google Play.
Luckily for us, almost every major antivirus
maker has an Android app with the ability to
Free download pdf