Computer Act!ve - UK (2022-06-08)

(Maropa) #1

Ransomware Malware run by
hackers who lock files on your PC
and demand a payment to release

Raw data Information that has
yet to be processed in a particular

Refresh rate Measured in Hertz
(Hz), the number of times per
second that the image on your
monitor is redrawn. Slight changes
in the image each time it is
updated combine to give
the illusion of movement. For
a steady image, the higher the
refresh rate, the less flicker you
will see. A refresh rate over 85Hz
is generally accepted as being

R i c h Tex t A file format used to
transfer files between different
types of word-processing
programs. It preserves most of the
formatting of a document.

sRGB A standard RGB colour
space for use on monitors,
printers and the internet.

SSD Solid-state drive. Storage
that, unlike a hard drive, uses no
moving parts. Faster but more
expensive than conventional hard

SSID Service Set Identifier. A
name used to identify a wireless

TPM Trusted Platform Module.
A computer chip that allows your
hardware to perform security-
related tasks.

Transition A way of joining two
video clips together or moving
from one clip to another. Common
examples include wipes, dissolves
and cutting to black.

Travel The distance the keys of
a keyboard have to be pressed
before the keystroke is recognised.

Ultrawide Offering a field of view
that’s wider than traditional digital

.tmp Extension used by
temporary files.

USB 2.0/3.0/3.1 Faster successors
to USB.

USB-C A new connector that’s
reversible, letting you plug it in
upside down.

Vector graphic Graphics that can
be enlarged to any scale without
a loss of quality, unlike bitmapped
images which will become jagged
when blown up.

Virtual drive A set of files seen by
Windows as a separate hard disk.

Virtual memory Data that is
temporarily moved from RAM
to hard drive to make up for
shortages in memory.

Visual Studio A Microsoft system
for building software.

VoIP Voice over IP. The routing
of voice conversations over the
internet, which is cheaper than the
telephone network.

WA N Wide Area Network. Exists
over a large geographical area.

We b P Google’s image format
designed to create files that are
smaller for the same quality, or of
higher quality for the same size,
than JPEG, PNG, and GIF.

Whitelist A list of allowed
websites, email addresses and
applications used by security
software to ensure you only visit
safe websites and download safe

Wi-Fi 6 Wi-Fi standard with
speeds up to 10 times faster than
802.11ac. Also called 802.11ax.

Wi-Fi 6e Wi-Fi 6 extended to
include the 6GHz band.

Wi-Fi Calling Lets you make
and receive voice and video calls
over a Wi-Fi connection instead
of using your cellular (mobile)

XPS Microsoft’s alternative format
t o P D F.

ZIP file A file that contains
compressed documents or files.
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