Time - USA (2022-06-20)

(Antfer) #1


ust a short time ago, the very concept of
cryptocurrencies or NFTs was a moon-
shot — many people were still trying
to grasp the fi ner points of email, social media
and other facets of the internet. Though it
can be hard to envision what comes next,
in many respects, it’s already here: the
third-generation internet, independent of
centralized, corporate-ruled platforms, and a
playground for open protocols, community-
run networks, distributed infrastructures —
all built on blockchain technology.

Blockchains like Tezos enable the next
generation of innovators, entrepreneurs and
artists to create and deploy projects in a way
that’s never been done before, and in an
ecosystem that is in a state of progressive
evolution. Tezos, an energy-effi cient open-
source blockchain, boasts a global community
of supporters and users that are, collectively,
helping to build this new digital future — one
that’s returning power to users and creators.

Tezos is a leading blockchain network with
supporters spanning the globe, and it’s
uniquely suited to act as a cornerstone of
the web’s third iteration.

Given that the internet is becoming
increasingly decentralized, users and creators
need a plug-and-play platform that is easy
to use, can be adapted to their specifi c
needs, and above all, is scalable. Tezos excels in
all three areas, and as such, allows for new and
novel projects to come to fruition.

In other words, if website hosting platforms
were the backbone of earlier iterations of the
web, Tezos, and other blockchains, are the
foundation for its future. With its easy-to-use
and adaptable framework, Tezos effectively
allows anyone and everyone to start
building projects on the blockchain —
amounting to a reclamation of control for
creators and users not seen since the very
early days of the internet.

Tezos also has several inherent features
and traits that allow it to stand out from
other blockchains. Namely, that it’s relatively
simple to use and upgradeable, allowing it to
grow and evolve as its users collaborate and
innovate. It’s also secure, having been designed
in a way that can support mission-critical
industries. Tezos can be seamlessly used by
all, from fi nancial service providers to artists,
creators, brands, institutions and more.

As a pioneering proof-of-stake blockchain,
Tezos is energy-effi cient and eco-friendly by
design – it also has negligible transaction costs,
making it accessible and scalable. In addition,
it’s designed to upgrade without the need for
hard forks – an often turbulent experience for
other blockchains – this allows the Tezos
network to grow and evolve at a fast pace.

This is why more and more brands and
companies are using Tezos as they enter
the Web3 space. The network is allowing
for the complete reimagining of consumer
engagement, fi nancial services and the arts.
Big-name brands with global audiences have
chosen Tezos to build Web3 experiences that
let them further engage with
customers and fans in a whole new,
immersive way.

Just how revolutionary will Web3 be? Try to
think back before there were mobile apps,
social media networks or the internet at all
— each new iteration of the web ushered in
world-changing innovations, business models
and concepts. Today, the internet is entering
a bold new era, one that reimagines
entrepreneurs and developers as creators and
enlightened artists who champion the needs
of our society and refl ect the values of our time.

To learn more about Tezos and the future
of blockchain technology,
Free download pdf