Chiiz – Volume 2 2017

(ff) #1

the photographer and they should make
acquaintances beforehand.
As a photographer, there are certain things
that a person should keep in mind.
Be very open and communicate extensively
with your client. She is already going
through a very exhausting phase so respect
her decisions and comply with every
detail. There may be a point when she
feels uncomfortable with you around her
especially if a medical procedure is going
on. You may not get the shots of the baby’s
birth but you can always take pictures of
the baby right after it has been born.

Being a birth photographer is not a 9 to 5
job. Be ready for a call in the middle of the
night. Labour can go on for hours as well.
Ensure that you wear comfortable clothes
and be prepared to stay for the entire haul.
You need to be committed until the end.
Never post pictures of the woman or the
photographs you took, on the internet
without her permission. During birth, a
woman may expose more of her body than
what she would otherwise be comfortable
with. Be sensitive to her privacy and make
sure that she is comfortable.

Births can take place in a dark room with
very dim light. Do not ask to switch on the
lights or use flash. It can be very disturbing
for the mother if there is a constant flash
of light around her especially when she is
working so hard on her body. Ensure that
you can work in low light and are not in any
way, creating any disturbance or getting in

the way of anybody just to take that perfect
Once the baby is born, you get the chance
to capture some amazing newborn shots.
Capturing the expressions of the mother
and the father when the baby is born is very
much recommended. It is a surreal journey
to bring a child into this world.
Newborns are an amazing subject for
any photographer. A tiny little being all
bundled up in a blanket can give you the
most adorable expressions.

Babies change appearance very rapidly. So
photographing a newborn when he or she
is just 3 hours old would be very different
from what you would get after three days.
Ideally, newborn babies are photographed
within the first 2 weeks of them being
born. That is primarily because during this
time they sleep more and can curl up in a
‘womb-like’ position.

Although babies are considered newborn
for the first three months after birth, the
older they get, the lesser they sleep and their
feeding schedule gets more frequent which
could end up in a longer photo shoot.
While photographing newborns, the
following points can be considered helpful:
Capture details. Yawning or crying babies
can give you amazing shots. Macro shots
of their hands and feet are also a very
important part in capturing the details.

Try and use more of natural light. Babies
are sensitive to light and it can potentially

harm them. Ensure that the studio or the
location where the photo shoot takes place
is warm and comfortable for the baby.
Ensure that you are well equipped to take
care of a baby. Babies can be fussy and need
lots of attention. Ensure that you stay calm
and the baby is always comfortable and well
fed. A cranky baby is not what you want.
Try and incorporate a personal touch to
the photographs. Props are amazing, but
try and get something that the family feels
more connected to.
Be gentle and understand that the parents
of the baby are probably sleep-deprived
and high on adrenaline rush. Ensure that
they are active at all times and keep them
involved in the entire process.
A baby can be of the fourth generation in
a family. Try and get as creative as you can
while photographing babies, keeping it’s
family background in mind.
A baby is worth everything in this world,
and after a few years, when you want to
look back at the moments from his/her
childhood, make sure you don’t regret that

Expert Opinion: Take instructions from
the midwives, they are incredibly helpful,
and will let you know where you can move.
Place yourself in one position and take
several shots from there. Using a zoom lens
can give you more variety in images. Then
after a while move to another position in
the room, that way you are not moving
a lot, but also covering the birth from
different angles.

Have Patience, Love
Nikon D800 14mm F/2.8 25s ISO2500

Nicole Hoschke
Sunshine Coast, Australia
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