Chiiz – Volume 2 2017

(ff) #1

games. The festival gathers festivities of all
different tribes of Nagaland at one place
under a common roof to cherish and enjoy
their different culture and tradition gifted
to them by their ancestors. The excitement
and fun gets doubled with lots of love
for music when you attend the Hornbill
International Rock Contest, wherein there
are regional, national, and international
bands who participate in it. The night of the
festival is followed by the amazing market
where one can go buy souvenirs, different
traditional clothing, and other handmade

The significant idea behind organizing
this festival is to develop a sense of
belongingness among the various tribes of
Nagaland which
uniquely stands on
its own with their
rich culture and
traditions. Though
being a state with
less demographic
population per sq.
km, it has so much
to offer among
themselves from
their practices and

For those people
who have a love for
fusion of different
colors, this would
be something
which should
be experienced
as different
colors of clothes
and makeup
of performers
will leave you

mesmerized. The land of festivals is also
abode to great art and culture which makes
it amazing for visitors to explore traditional
clothing filled with vibrant colors, art on
canvas and tribal paintings which exhibit
the feeling of tradition and culture.

Be it for a pleasure seeker, history buff,
photo enthusiast or a foodie, this is an all
in one package. Tourists and visitors are
warmly welcomed to the land of festivals,
which was once fiercely protected by
brave warriors. One can participate in
the ‘Pork Fat Eating Competition’ or the
renowned ‘Naga Chilli (Bhut Jolokia)
Eating Competition’. A must try for the
visitors is the locally brewed Rice beer
(Zutho or Thuthse) which is famous among

the Nagas. Another fact is that
each tribe has their own unique
cuisine so there are a number of
delicacies to try.

Hornbill festival boggles
the mind as it has attractive
distractions at every corner,
be it the film festival, cultural
performances, indigenous
games, craft bazaar, art, music,
literature, fashion events, the
intriguing Vintage Car Rally
and various other activities
including competitive shows.
The natives have kept their
traditions alive amidst the
changing times with great pride
of their respective ancestry.

Apart from the festival, the
lands have been blessed with
natural and scenic beauty,
making it a tourist hotspot, which also
made its way to a traveler’s itinerary.

The land of uncontested wild and primeval
beauty will leave you in awe and solace as
the festival concludes. The ride through
the mountains cutting across green fields
with ever smiling people waving at you and
the hills covered in fog and the sound of
the tribal triumphant echoing within the
landscape will be all that you’ll miss in the
end. But always remember that behind all
this was a community who made it possible
for you to experience all that is obscure
under the canopy of its vast forest cover.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT 135mm F/5 1/125s ISO100

Food Cravings
Nikon D810 200mm F/2.8 1/500s ISO80

Ramakrishnan Krishnan
Bangalore, India

Shiva Rajvanshi
Lucknow, India
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