Professional BoatBuilder - February-March 2018

(Amelia) #1


are glued in place.  e engineroom is
one continuous piece. Blackwell said the
aim is to keep panels small. “ ere are
two lams in chafe areas where we run
piping and hosing,” he said.

continuity.”  e grid is bonded to the
hull with Plexus methacrylate structural
adhesive.  e grid is  lled with 2-lb
expanding urethane foam to deaden
sound and keep out water.  e  anges

 e 35 has a full-length structural
grid made up of biaxial glass; the ¾"
(19mm) longitudinals have bridges that
go across to carry transverse loads,
which, Blackwell said, “gives us

retro boats but still have a distinctive
Bertram look.  e 35 is a pretty boat, a
unique boat, but how much can you
retain and at the same time make it a

modern 21st-century boat? All the
moldings are di erent; how you trim a
boat is di erent.
“I approached it with what I thought

was a real gentle hand, of saying, look,
you can miss it by trying to be too
novel. You have to respect what’s there.
We got hired because we wanted to do
a retro version of the boat and not just
another boat of that size that didn’t pay
homage to the original boat. The dif-
ficult part was how to move forward
and not subject yourself to failure and
“If you look at the drawings side by
side, the 35 is a totally di erent boat.
Much bigger. Much taller. None of the
window rings are even similar.  e
forward  ybridge and long cockpit
were essential to keep the proportions
“ e 35' Bertram deadrise is 21°,
which we feel is a good compromise
for a true deep-V hull, down a bit from
the traditional 24° of the original 31.
While the original 31 is legendary for
its ride, it is also known for its wetness

Bertram 31, 1961

Bertram 35

Left—In the foreground is the
mold for the 35 structural grid
and at left the cured part from
it. Through the years, this long
building hall was occupied by
CSY, Wellcraft, and Lazzara
Marine. Below—Blackwell
points out a limber hole for
water drainage in the 35’s
structural grid.

Bertram171-ADFinal.indd 22 12/29/17 4:42 PM

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