
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

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Step 19: Next, switch to the Grunge
brush pack and select the Tangled
brush. Use the Eyedropper to sample
the light blonde color from her hair.
Then use this Brush to paint the frizz
of her hair over the swirls. The combi-
nation of these two brushes is an easy
way to produce a painted effect for
big curly hair.

Step 20: When you’re happy with
how the hair looks, save the brush-
strokes back out to Photoshop, and
then move the Hair layer above the
Primary Brush Work layer at the top
of the layer stack. Now toggle each
of the painted layers beneath it back
on to get a fuller sense of how the
painting is shaping up.

Step 21: Create one more merged
layer named “Edge Work,” and re-
turn to ParticleShop one last time.
The idea here is to create a convinc-
ing painted border by using various
brushes to paint white onto the edge
of the canvas. Experiment with vari-
ous brushes to suit your taste; here
I used the Textural brush from the
Core Pack followed by the Mangy
Fur brush from the Creepers brush
pack. When finished, return the
brushstrokes to Photoshop and enjoy
your painted image!

Corel has done a great job with
making this plug-in go beyond the
capabilities of the first version. There
are only so many things you can do
with sparkles and particles, and even-
tually you run the risk of it all looking
somewhat derivative. But the inclu-
sion of the new Dynamic Speckles
and F-X Effects brushes means that
there’s now a lot more to this tech-
nology than just pretty sparkles! n Discuss this Issue

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