
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
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Here are two images side by side. Image
A is unsharpened, and image B is sharpened.
These images definitely show you how sharp-
ening, when done right, can really make your
image look crisper than it originally was!

    This next tip is applied to every darn image
    on my site. Think of your website viewer as
    a child with ADD. And they have a right to
    be a little ADD—try putting yourself in their
    shoes for a moment; they’re frantically look-
    ing for a photographer to hire, while trying
    to juggle everything else real life throws at
    them: kids, groceries, projects, deadlines, etc.
    The moment your website viewer looks at an
    image on your site, their eye should instantly
    take them to the section that you’ve chosen
    as the most important place. If you don’t lock
    in their curiosity, you’ll immediately lose their
    interest. In order to protect myself against
    this phenomenon, I selectively tone my
    images. Another term for this is dodge and
    burn. (This skill has so many uses and isn’t
    just for skin retouching!)
    Take a look at this next image. The first
    version of the image is un-toned and un-
    retouched. It’s straight out of camera, and
    even though the little girl is actually in focus,
    your eyes pass over her because the lightness
    of the bride’s dress distracts you. In the sec-
    ond version, I brightened the girl, and toned
    down the white dress, which immediately
    leads the viewer’s eye to the intended subject
    of the image!
    Here’s one more example. In the un-toned
    image, your eye bounces around from the
    light reflections on the glass to the sconce on
    the wall behind the bride, and then finally sees
    the sharp, in-focus face in the middle. Well, by
    toning down those other things in the image,
    and brightening and adding contrast to the
    bride’s face, I’ve created a stunning image
    where the viewer’s eye goes immediately to
    the place intended!

Image A Image B
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