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photoshop user
› february 2016
› › lightroom magazine › ›
Looking for an all-in-one solution? Tether Tools make
table mounts to go on lighting stands or tripods. This means
you can mount your computer right beside your camera on
your tripod for immediate feedback. It’s more than usable
on location as well.
lightroom tether
You can start Lightroom tethering with or without a camera
attached. While most cameras will tether without a memory
card, some (like my 5D Mark III) need a card in the camera. If
in doubt, use a card, and it can also act as a backup, which is
always a good idea. If you have images on the card already,
start Lightroom tether before attaching the camera to pre-
vent Lightroom from opening the Import dialog.
step one: Go to File>Tethered Capture, and click Start
Tethered Capture.