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photoshop user
› february 2016
Step Seven: Back in the origi-
nal image of the subject, grab
the Quick Selection tool (W) in
the Toolbox. Use the Bracket
keys on your keyboard to
change the brush size, then start
painting over the subject to cre-
ate a selection. Continue paint-
ing until the entire subject is
selected, minus the background.
If you happen to select some of
the background, just hold the
Option (PC: Alt) key and paint
back over that area to remove
it from the selection. Be sure to
remove the small background
areas between his arms and
body from the selection.
Step Eight: Click on the
Refine Edge button in the
Options Bar to open the Refine
Edge options. Since there are
no soft edges, just set the
Edge Detection Radius slider
to around 1.5 px. Then, set the
Output To drop-down menu
at the bottom to New Layer.
Click OK when done.
Step Nine: Go back to the HDR Toned version and use the
Move tool to drag it to the original. Hold down the Shift key
so that it lands centered and aligned with the original. Also,
make sure it’s positioned above the extracted subject in the Lay-
ers panel. Press Option-Command-G (PC: Alt-Ctrl-G) to clip the
HDR layer into the extracted layer. Also, change the layer blend
mode to Color Dodge and the Opacity to 55%.
Step Ten: When done, press Command-E (PC: Ctrl-E) to merge
the two layers into a single layer. Then, use the Move tool to
drag the subject into the wilderness scene, and use Free Trans-
form to scale him to fit in the composition, as you see here. Press
Enter when done.
Step Eleven: Click the Create a New Layer icon at the bot-
tom of the Layers panel. Set the blend mode to Overlay and
drop the layer Opacity to 75%. Also, clip this layer to the layer
below, as we did in Step Nine, by pressing Option-Command-G
(PC: Alt-Ctrl-G).
Step Ten
Step Eight
Step Nine