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©Adobe Stock/Roman Samokhin
Step Twelve: Now we’re
going to use the same
white gradient that we
used earlier in Step Three
except select the Radial
Gradient icon and change
the tool Mode in the
Options Bar back to Nor-
mal. Add some gradients
around the edge of the
subject to create an edge
light effect to help him
blend into the scene better.
Step Thirteen: Now we’re ready to add the brushstroke effect
similar to the original poster. Here we have a group of strokes,
also from Adobe Stock. These are also part of the exercise down-
load. The color isn’t right, but that’s not important because
we can change that. We just need the shape of the strokes, so
remove the color by pressing Shift-Command-U (PC: Shift-Ctrl-U).
Step Fourteen: Press Shift-
Delete (PC: Shift-Back space)
to open the Fill dialog. Set
the Contents drop-down
menu to Black and the Mode
to Overlay. Click OK. This will
force the dark gray to black and leave the background white.
Step Fifteen: Open the
Channels panel (Window>
Channels) and hold down
the Command (PC: Ctrl)
key as you click on the RGB
channel thumbnail to load
the white area as a selec-
tion. We need the brush-
strokes selected, so go to
Select>Inverse, which will flip the selection to the main objects.
Step Sixteen: Back in the Layers panel, create a new blank layer,
click the Foreground color swatch near the bottom of the Tool-
box, select a deep-red color like the one shown here, and click
OK. Press Option-Delete (PC: Alt-Backspace) to fill the selection
with red.
Step Twelve
Step Thirteen
Step Fourteen
Step Sixteen