Step One
Photoshop Mix
Similar to Fix, the idea with Mix was to
bring Photoshop’s powerful selection
and compositing tools to everyone in
a friendly way. Mix and Fix both take
full advantage of the GPU and that’s
at the heart of what now allows Mix
to edit multiple layers and enjoy the
magic of blend modes. Let me show
you my favorite use of Mix: creating a
multiple-exposure effect.
STEP ONE: I began by isolating this image of
my wife in Mix’s Cut Out. Selections are made
much like Quick Select in Photoshop: You select
the area that you want and then toggle to sub-
tract and select the area that you don’t. With an
image like this, I zoomed in and worked around
the edges I wanted to isolate. This gave me
more precision. While working an image like
this is time-consuming, the process can yield
very impressive results.
STEP TWO: Next, I press the + icon to add the
image I want to blend. This technique enjoys
imagery that’s out of place, so I used a rotated
image of trains. Rotation and transform are sim-
ple pinch-and-twist gestures. The trick now is to
drag the thumbnail of my wife onto the thumb-
nail of the trains and choose Copy Mask on
Layer. Having done that, we now see the trains
trimmed in the shape of my wife in this image.
STEP THREE: Here we see the effect with a
Soft light blend and Opacity lowered to 82%.
STEP FOUR: My last step was to add a third
image with the + icon and use a Multiply blend
(see next page).
Like Fix, Mix files sent to Photoshop will honor
all masks, layers, and blend modes. Tonal adjust-
ments will even come in as Adobe Camera Raw
smart objects! You may have noticed that there’s a
common design language with Mix and Fix. They
also share a project-based system that lets you
begin on one device and continue on another
simply by signing in. Both apps are natively
Step Two
Step Three
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photoshop user
› february 2016