
(Barré) #1


Mack also worked as a private contractor,
consultant, and artist in residence through The
Mayors Advisory Committee on Arts and Culture
(M.A.C.A.C), Bright StARTs, Discovery, The Bal-
timore Office of Promotion and Arts, and cur-
rently Concepts, by Cash.
She was awarded a city arts grant, Discovery
Program’s Excellent Achievement Award, Pieri-
ans Inc. Appreciation, Artslant Showcase Winner

Awards the 3rd, 4th, and 5th rounds. Over the
years her tutoring and teaching have graced her
with the experience of students of all ages.
In addition to teaching Gloria has done free-
lance graphic art including logos, signage, and
brochures. Other art venues included numerous
festivals from Baltimore’s Artscape to Howard
Allen Events, and various art exhibits.

The Migration
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