The Sunday Times Magazine - UK (2022-06-12)

(Antfer) #1


atching Skye Gyngell walk into the
kitchens at Heckfield Place bearing
armfuls of fresh peas and beans from
the garden, it’s easy to see where she
gets her inspiration. This most natural
of cooks — she still doesn’t think of
herself as a chef, despite 40 years spent
in professional kitchens — is never
happier than when conjuring up meals
out of the first flush of summer produce.
“Everyone thinks that spring is a time of
bounty but it’s not until June that we get our first peas,
broad beans and strawberries,” she says.
Of course not all of us are lucky enough to have access
to the five acres of biodynamic market garden at this
former Georgian family home, now luxury hotel, nor the
dairy herd and beehives that keep it in butter, cream and
honey, but we can still embrace the simplicity that good
ingredients offer. “We’re not the most technical chefs
here. It’s about putting your heart into what you’re
doing and enjoying yourself. When you have beautiful
produce, you can be a bit lazy. You have to do very little
to it as there’s no need to manipulate flavours.”
Skye Gyngell is the culinary director at Heckfield
Place, Hampshire;

Make the most of summer’s fresh

produce while you can with these
simple ideas that put flavour first






pancakes with

grilled courgettes

These are based on socca, a
chickpea flatbread popular in
Nice in the south of France,
and very similar to dosas. As
they are made with chickpea
flour, they are gluten-free.

Serves 4-6


  • 225g chickpea flour

  • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil,
    plus extra for frying

  • A few sprigs of rosemary,
    leaves only (optional)

  • 225ml sparkling water

  • 4-5 medium courgettes

  • ½ tsp dried chilli flakes

  • Juice and zest of
    ½ unwaxed lemon

  • 3 sprigs of mint, leaves
    only, chopped

  • 12 basil leaves, torn

  • 3 sprigs of flat-leaf parsley,
    leaves only, chopped

For the herbed crème fraîche

  • 150ml crème fraîche

  • 1 tsp each chopped basil,
    mint and flat-leaf parsley

01 Put the chickpea flour into
a bowl with 1 teaspoon of salt
and a little pepper. Make a well
in the centre and pour in the
olive oil and add the rosemary,
if using. Whisk in the water
and mix to a smooth batter.
Set aside to rest for 20 min
while you grill the courgettes.

02 Slice the courgettes into
2.5cm discs. Brush with oil and
place on a hot grill. Cook until
golden brown and tender,
turning frequently. This should
take 8-10 min. Once cooked,
remove and season with salt,
the chilli flakes, lemon juice
and zest and the chopped or
torn herbs.

03 Put the crème fraîche
into a bowl, add the herbs and
stir well to combine. Season
with a pinch of salt if you
think it necessary.

04 For the pancakes, place
a non-stick frying pan over a
medium to high heat, add
a little olive oil and, when
the pan is just smoking, add
a ladle of batter. Cook until
golden brown, then turn and
cook the underside. Repeat.

05 To serve, fold the pancakes
in half, arrange the courgettes
on top and spoon the crème

46 • The Sunday Times Magazine
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