
(John Hannent) #1

American countries, while the countries with the most negative evaluation of China
were basically European countries (except Japan), and especially Spain, Italy and
France. Overall, European views about China’s responsibilities were negative.

11.2.6 China’s Performance in Global Governance

According to data from the Transatlantic Trends survey, the survey on China’s
responsibilities was mainly divided into three parts.

11.2.7 The Roles that China Should Play in Managing

the World Economy

After the outbreak of the globalfinancial crisis, China’s outstanding performance in
coping with the crisis attracted global attention. The European evaluation about
how China manages in the world economy and the roles that China will play in
addressing the world economy in the post-crisis era is shown in Table11.7.
As shown by the data from the survey, most of the common people in European
countries involved in the survey believed that China would play more“positive”
roles in managing the world economy (compared with“negative”roles). Among
the four large countries, the UK, France, Germany and Spain, France believed that
China would play more“negative”roles, while other countries had a more“posi-
tive”evaluation of China.

11.2.8 How China Tackles Poverty

China is one of the countries with the highest poverty-stricken population in the
world. In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy, the
poverty-stricken population significantly decreased. Undoubtedly, China’s experi-
ence in coping with poverty deserves to be drawn upon. However, Table11.8
shows that the common people in European countries had another attitude towards
this issue.
According to the results of the survey, common people in all European countries
involved in the survey, except Bulgaria and Romania, believed that China would
play more“negative”roles than“positive”ones. This was particularly obvious in
such countries as France, Germany, Italy, Poland, etc. among those involved in the

11 The Europeans’Perception of China 211

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