
(John Hannent) #1

will continue to hinder the smooth development of China-EU relations. However,
with a strong push from economic power and common interests, China and the EU
will strengthen their cooperation in variousfields and reduce misunderstandings
and prejudice in cooperation. Changing thinking, renewing ideas, intensifying
communication and enhancing understanding are goals which must be achieved by
doubled efforts in ameliorating China-EU relations.
In the next decade, China, the EU, and its member states may further develop
relations on many aspects. It is possible that cooperation will be reinforced in
defense, military training, crisis management, cyber security, space technology,
energy strategy, state governance, environmental protection, labor migration,
urbanization, social governance, cultural and people-to-people exchanges, etc.
Recently, the new Chinese leader Xi Jinping said:“China-EU relations represent
one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. China and the EU have
highly complementary economies and enjoy a huge potential for cooperation, as
well as sufficient endogenous power. Disagreements and frictions are unavoidable
in cooperation due to differences in national conditions, the conditions of the
people, cultural traditions and the political systems on both sides. In response to
this, we should advocate a more cooperative spirit of mutual respect, mutual benefit
and win-win results, and we should properly address disagreements and frictions
through dialogues and consultations.”^33 We believe that with efforts on both sides,
China-EU relations will enjoy a brighter and more comprehensive and strategic


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(^33) Xi Jinping, Promoting Development of China-EU Relations at A Higher Level,,
July 6, 2013,
30 H. Zhou

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