
(Martin Jones) #1
hand, using her combined skills as a fashion designer
and artist to fabricate every intricate nuance of the
photos she produces. Each prop and article of clothing
are masterfully crafted with the utmost delicacy and
attention to detail. Every locale is chosen with the
desire of creating a precise moment to capture and
make eternal – a snapshot of an ephemeral fantasy
world that Kirsty so lovingly and painstakingly
formulates over months and months of work – rich,
Technicolor landscapes and sensual fairy tale
characters who exude beauty, power, and fabulous
While the concepts are entirely Kirsty’s, she does have
a creative team that helps to bring her unique visions

to life. Helmed by her long term friend and artistic
partner, Elbie Van Eeden, whose stunning hair and
makeup designs for the portraits truly help to suck
viewers deeper into the realms of imagination created
by Mitchell, tying together the natural splendor of
nature with the bizarre surreality of the Wonderland
dreamscapes that Kirsty seeks to make. With the help
of friends who share her vision, Kirsty can fabricate
complex, highly-detailed fashions and plan makeup
looks that seem to belong on fragile beings who dwell
in dreams and imaginings. The artist schedules her
laborious photo shoots for the perfect time of year to
evoke within her portraits the exact feeling, season and

“The White Witch” 2009 / Wonderland - Photo Courtesy of Kirsty Mitchell © 2014 All Rights Reserved

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