
(Martin Jones) #1

emotion that she wants to convey. The barren stillness
of winter’s chill, the explosive celebration of spring’s
blooming, the flourishing warmth of summer or the
mournful decay of autumn’s quiet neglect. Each photo
shoot is the result of months of dedication and hard
work as she struggles to ensure that each aspect is
perfect entirely. To gain insight into this intense
creative process, she explains how she once wanted to
feature English bluebells in a photograph, but they had
run their course for the season. She, therefore, waited
an entire year, until they blossomed the following
spring, so that she could include them and feature the
glory of nature in a few photos before it vanished for
another year. It is this kind of driven dedication that
sets Kirsty apart from her contemporaries and makes
her dazzling works of art stand above the rest for their
sheer beauty and the back-breaking focus put into
meticulously crafting each vignette.

In December of 2011, Kirsty left the fashion industry
for good to concentrate exclusively on “Wonderland,”
exhibiting the photos, and compiling them into a book
with which to share the memory of her mother with
the world. Now, five years after its inception into her
repertoire, the “Wonderland” series is finally
completed with 76 pieces total; this great chapter of

Kirsty’s life is drawing to a close, and paving the way
for future projects of equal wonder. She is waiting on
the final contract for the printing and distribution of a
globally-available “Wonderland” photo book so that this
massive endeavor can be brought full circle and bring
the joy to the entire world that her mother shared and
inspired within her. She is planning a live exhibition
launch in the UK of the whole collection very soon as
well– an incredible achievement, years in the making,
spawned from such chaotic tragedy.

ArtTour International Magazine is happy to present
selections from Mitchell’s fantastic “Wonderland”
series of photographs. Mitchell’s astounding works can
be found on Facebook and her official website. To
catch a glimpse into her creative process, you can
view her blog entries “The Wonderland Diaries” on her
site, which chronicle each photograph in the series,
from initial concept, through fabrication to the final
photography session

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