
(Martin Jones) #1

When this is the case, the depicted figure is often
juxtaposed to elements highly contrasting, in the
form of digital manipulation, a staple in Levyathan's
work which can be either subtle, demanding careful
observation to notice or even being the dominant
feature of the photograph. Thus even then it is not
such a narrative approach to the subject, but rather
one that focuses on the surreal connection of the
person with the surrounding environment.

Another fascinating and important feature of her
photography is the frequent usage of digital
manipulation in her work. This is an element that
enables her to have a high degree of control over the
final result of the initial shot. As noticed above, she
might be either extremely elegant and subtle in the
way that she manipulates her pictures or on the
contrary create a visually striking outcome that
challenges the viewer's perception. Sometimes the
result might be peculiar and surreal, but it is actually a
conceptual realization of urban life and the way that
the overburden of information might by itself create
unusual situations. Thus this usage can be paralleled
with actual visual experiences that all of us might share

and a fascinating connection to the viewer is created
by these subconscious images instilled in all of us.

A recurring travel destination for the artist is the city of
New York where she enjoys the busy and noisy activity
which she has captured in her works "Future City
Scape," a series of photographs depicting this city with
a very bold twist. A prime example of her work
featuring digital manipulation. In this series the
buildings of the actual cityscape are profoundly
distorted, curved, stretched and juxtaposed one upon
the other, resulting finally in a redefined urban setting
which manages to successfully convey the original title
of the series. It is something reminiscent of its present
form but so highly distorted that it loses the majority
of its actual references and thus creates a semi-
familiar environment, which is also the way that time
treats any place, as only a few of the original
characteristics remain in an area after the passage of
years. Levyathan lives and works in Ramat Gan, Israel.

"Future Cityscape 01”, Fine Art Photography
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