
(Martin Jones) #1

through different forms of art. When you are
photographing models and having these emotions that
you want to translate into film. I sit down with my
model and tell here what I am feeling and envisioning,
and we find something that we can both relate too so
it can be translated on film to capture the expression
and mood.

What type of gear do you shoot with and which one
is your most favorite one?

I love to shoot with Canon 5D Mark II – it's my
favorite! My camera has a name that I call her by –
Athena! My favorite lenses are a mix of 24-105mm,
100mm Macro and 24-70mm!

I remember a few years ago hearing from you how
you prepare for your projects; it would be great if
you could walk us through your prep process that
was very inspiring!

How I prepare for a photo shoot is first figuring out
what is my inspiration for this shoot! I get my creative
inspiration in many different ways. There is never the
same way; they are always random. I get this idea and
let it bubble inside me and get this vision. Then think
how to make it happen, Sometimes I just go and shoot
by myself with a model or sometimes I have a small
team who I work with. And then I will create my vision.
I will go out and pick up clothes for the shoot, choose
a location. When I work with a team, I always allow
everyone to do whatever they feel like doing; I allow
everyone to be the most creative because I believe
you will always get the best results that way instead of
being controlled and forced. The theme is always
guidelines to make sure we are on the same page!

Do you have a favorite project that you created?
Do you ever feel like you like some of your
artworks less as time goes by and your
photography skills improve?

I think the water pictures are the ones that are my
favorite. I believe that it’s been the first moment that I
could see I had something unique. It was the starting

point where I could see there was something more
there. It was special. I knew they were amazing, but it
took such a long time to even get recognize or a
chance to showcase them. I didn’t give up, and three
years after I photograph them I got the break that I
was looking for! It was a game-changing photo shoot
for me in my career. I always saw the potential in these
photographers when other people didn’t. I don’t ever
feel my artwork less as time goes by. I sometimes
have phrases which photo shoots are my favorites. As
time goes by, of course, your skills develop and keep
improving its like with anything! Practice makes
perfect! You don’t want to rest on one note – you
always want to learn to play all the keys!

Do you ever go through down times when you are
not happy with your work or skills? Do you ever
face "creativity blocks"?

Yes, I face creativity blocks. Sometimes it can last for
days or longer periods of time. I think in moments like
that you have to start from basics and reconnect with
yourself. Ask yourself what do you love to do and what
do you feel like creating? Don’t be too hard on
yourself. Always try and seethe positive and turn it
around to inspire you! Sometimes it can come down to
timing and when it’s meant to happen! Creativity isn’t
something that can be forced. It's when you feel – you
create! Cont. Next Page
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