
(Martin Jones) #1

Could you please tell us a little bit about the
inspirations behind the works showcased in this article?
How did you come up with the idea? Have any
particular artists or photographers inspired or
mentored you?

My inspiration this time around was that I realize I had
been doing photography for ten years. I was looking
through my library of images and decided why not
celebrate the last decade with a mixture of all my
favorite shots. To showcase my journey and
accomplishment and since it’s the end of the year – it's
very symbolic before starting the New Year and the
next decade! I always want to achieve the absolute
best and to reach the peak of the mountaintop, and I
know I am not quite there yet. So why not celebrate
what I have done and to remember some incredible
moments and ready to start the next ten years (or so!)!
I think it’s a good reminder for us all, not to always be
the focus at the finish lying but to enjoy the journey
along the way!

What is your concept of beauty that you like to
portray in your photographs?

My idea of beauty comes from within. It is an essence
of whom you are and how you want to convey to the
world, and having confidence! I think beauty comes in
many different ways through everyone. Which makes
us all unique. It’s not about certain features, hairstyles,
wearing certain colors. It is about being our true self

and showing the world that we are. It’s finding the inner
glow, and that’s where the real beauty comes from!
The rest compliments it! It’s the imperfections that
make us beautiful!

What advice would you offer to photographers who
would like to try to exhibit their work or pursue a
career in editorial photography?

I would say to any photographers out there to keep
going and believe in yourself! Keep being determined,
impulsive, focus and persistent. Try to find different
ways to showcase your work. The trick is finding
people who love what you do and believe in you! It’s
surrounding yourself with a great team and support.
Always follow your passion and drive. Keep positive,
keep determine, keep working on your portfolio and
even when things get hard KEEP GOING! I promise it
will all pay off. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not
good enough. Trust your instincts and go out and

What is your personal quote you would like to share?
My quote is “It's time to step out and show the world
who you truly are.”

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