
(Martin Jones) #1

Durga Garcia


Artist Durga Garcia waves her magic wand to bring
the model to life. What is interesting about Garcia’s
work is how allegory plays an important part in her
compositions. With a preference for black and white
stills, she has incorporated models of a different
ethnicity to provide the contrast and the balance in her
photographs. In "Indecisive" the hesitant acceptability
of the darker model’s color compared to the white
color of the other is so apparent, you can reach out
and touch the palpable diffidence. The repeated use of
contrasts of racial origins reaches out with her
viewpoints on the subject. This disparity is evident in
“Trio 2012” and “Affinity.”

In her series “Allegory,” Garcia has played up the
composite female forms of different races, and the
harmony of the compositions announces the artist’s
shunning of racial discrimination. Her photographs
favor the strong female shape and tend to portray
them to their best advantage.

One of her specializations,
a m o n g m a n y , i s t h e
Conceptual Portrait. Great
care is taken to work in
sync with the
c o m m i s s i o n e r , a n d
brainstorming of the nicest
results in the kind of
portrayal that is clearly
depicted in “Caroline In Winter” and “Kathleen." The
simplest compositions, yet each in the forefront of a
tale, a story untold.

While Garcia is disposed towards the use of very few
colors in her conceptual photography, water is always
captured in all its glory, whether in a swimming pool or
the waves of the ocean. In compositions that show the
models in natural surroundings, great care and
photographic skill go into an art form. The facial
expressions on the models convey

"Blindfolded", Photography 26" x 24" "Brass Cuffs", Photography 26" x 24"

by Yadira Roman

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