
(Martin Jones) #1

their unison with each other and with their

Portraits hold a special place in Garcia’s work, and
again, minimum use of color is apparent. Whether
shooting under studio lights or in the dappled natural
light of the outdoors, Garcia doesn’t let her touch slip.
Portraits are given the required touch up processes
post-shoot to create depth, textures, and shadows.
Whenever pictures are shot outdoors, Garcia makes
sure none of their thunder is stolen by the
overwhelming beauty of the surroundings. The focal
points are the people, and both factors blend in to
complement the other. The emotions are brought out,
and the shot is clicked at just the right moment for an
amazing photograph.

Always aiming for some unique background to her
photography, Garcia manages to do this with a
polished accomplishment. Her travels over the globe
have given her that much wider perspective to look at
subjects with an open and imaginative mind and
visualize a composition that does poetic justice to the

Also specializing in portraits and head shots, Durga has
portrayed people befittingly. Be it for business, or for
just personal purposes, the artist takes the proverbial
mug shot’ to another level. Playing with background
colors and shadows to create the perfect photograph,
results such as “Nick Whipple” portrait are one of a

In her words, from time to time Garcia gives
expression to “Silly-Weird-Work.” Whacky would be an

understatement the half-beast, half-man costumed
Satyr of “2010”, and the skeletomuscular depiction of
“Until Ever After” are two satirical works, she takes
quirky pictures mainly for her amusement.

Still Life has found new expression under Garcia’s
nimble fingers and the concept behind “Holland’s
Power” makes one wonder at the thought process that

"Rope", Photography 26" x 24" "Plastic Wrap", Photography 26" x 24"

"The Blond", Photography 26" x 24"
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