
(Martin Jones) #1

To Basili, Venice is not just another historic Italian
town. It is a culmination of beauty, art, and elegance
combined with a blend of culture and a modern
touch. This concept is evident in the Calli and Campielli
culture that is popular in his artwork.

Having lived and worked in Turin for most of his adult
life, Basili pushes at the emotive and abstract edge of
photography, combining a superior suite of technical
skills with a creative eye. What may pass as a simple
photograph of any other artist is Basili’s masterpiece in
terms of revealing the hidden elements of
impressionism, abstract form, extreme contrast,
surrealism, and cubism. Basili comments: “Just a simple
photo pushed to its limit can unmask its potential to
awe mass audiences drawn from all over the world.” In
short, he seems to have mastered the art of pictorial
transformation through art processing.

Basili explores and brings to light an array of moods,
contemporary ideas, and emotions in his
masterpieces. His photographs, which have won an
accolade of awards, highlight a complexity of themes

  • from delicately blurred figures, through harsh
    electric textures on abstract backgrounds, to
    ambiguous black-and-white silhouettes. Basil is
    internationally respected as a master of his art form
    and praised for the raw beauty he delivers.

“Cavalieri Al Borgo Medioevale”, Fine Art Print On Canvas Analog Photo

“San Giorgio E La Gondola”, Fine Art Print On Canvas Analog Photo
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