The Washington Post - USA (2022-06-12)

(Antfer) #1

they could restrict access to abortion within the
Roe framework by instituting parental notifica-
tion laws; mandatory waiting periods, ultra-
sounds or counseling sessions; and strict li-
censing regulations for clinics. Each effort gen-
erated yet another legal opportunity for the
Supreme Court to revisit Roe.
Partial victories matter because they give
supporters a political focus — something to
work toward — and help them stay engaged.
Gun-control activists need similar commit-
ment and creativity, pursuing incremental re-
forms such as waiting periods, background
checks, and restrictions on particular weap-
ons, ammunition or accessories. They can also
innovate with new initiatives, like requiring
gun owners to carry liability insurance.If a
deeply divided Senate can agree upon very
modest safety measures, like a slightly more
expansive background check for gun purchas-
es or encouragement to states to institute
red-flag laws, it will represent one step in,
rather than an end to, an increasingly conten-
tious political debate.
Successful organizers will navigate the mis-
match between the polemic and possibility that
animate social movements and the slow grind-
ing that characterizes institutional politics.
They need to take their small victories graceful-
ly while continuing to press challenges.
Persistence is critical. Antiabortion activists
continued their efforts, often in the face of
disappointment and defeat. They built organi-
zations that welcomed and trained recruits,
providing the social support needed to stay
engaged and hopeful. Initial support was root-
ed in the Catholic Church, but organizers en-
gaged a broader base in evangelical churches.
Republican politicians encouraged, and ben-
efited from, the movement.
The challenge of persistence is at least as
difficult for the gun-control movement, whose
opponents enjoy strong support from the fire-
arms industry, a network of gun ranges and
dealers, and a powerful, well-funded NRA.
Gun-control activists, by contrast, have been
stuck with a far more volatile landscape. Sup-
port surges in the wake of particularly horrific
tragedies like assassinations and mass shoot-

more expensive; the antiabortion movement
was maintaining a life in the streets as well as in
institutional politics.
Gun-control activists could continue to di-
versify their own tactics and targets, augment-
ing their political efforts with new approaches
such as protests at gun shops or National Rifle
Association conferences, school walkouts, boy-
cotts, and educational programs. Finding ex-
actly the right approach is far less important
than trying a broad menu of strategies in as
many different venues as possible. The messag-
es must also be diverse, appealing to the intel-
lect and to the heart. The faces of the children
killed in Uvalde — or Newtown or Parkland for
that matter — should be powerful reminders of
the consequences of our current policies.
Already, the gun-control movement has
done better than the antiabortion movement at
mobilizing celebrity support to lend imagery to
its message. Actor Matthew McConaughey, a
Uvalde native, took to the podium at the White
House on Tuesday and in front of the cameras
described how some of the murdered children
could be identified only by their clothing, so
destructive was the gun used to kill them. He
displayed a pair of green Converse high-top
sneakers with a heart drawn on the toe of the
right one, explaining that shoes like these
helped 10-year-old Maite Rodriguez’s parents
identify her mangled body. While some activ-
ists have suggested that pictures of the bodies
themselves should be shown to drive home the
true horror of what weapons of war do, describ-
ing such images while offering a powerful
symbol, like the green shoes, can also deepen
the commitment of activists.
Gun-control advocates must claim even par-
tial victories, keeping in mind that they are the
tortoise to the hare. Blocked from overturning
Roe , antiabortion activists took incremental
steps to make abortion more difficult and
expensive and to nurture their own organiza-
tions. First, in 1976, they successfully pressed
congressional allies to deny federal funding for
most abortions through the Hyde Amendment.
Abortion remained accessible for women who
could afford it, but opponents notched a victo-
ry. At the state level, activists tested how much

their beliefs, organize, protest and deny votes
to candidates who won’t deliver. Urgency and
intensity matter. The major movements in our
history — labor, women, civil rights — won
policy reforms before achieving majority sup-
Successful social movements don’t limit
themselves to one narrow set of tactics, either;
they try almost anything to get what they want.
That’s the second lesson the gun-control move-
ment — rebranded now as gun safety — can take
from the antiabortion movement. Many of the
antiabortion activists’ tactics failed — or back-
fired — but activists kept innovating. The Com-
mittee for Pro-Life Affairs of the National Con-
ference of Catholic Bishops issued a harsh cri-
tique of Roe and called for taking strong action
to overturn the decision, endorsing passage of a
Human Life Amendment to the Constitution.
Sympathetic legislators in Congress introduced
versions of such an amendment over the decade
following Roe and made little progress. About
the same time, Nellie Gray, a lawyer and convert
to Catholicism, began organizing what would
become an annual protest in Washington to
commemorate Roe. This March for Life can turn
out hundreds of thousands of people, in addi-
tion to counterprotesters, each January.
Gray gave up her legal practice and became a
full-time organizer. Other antiabortion funda-
mentalists ran for office, staging campaigns in
both major parties. Still others launched a
Right to Life Party. By the end of the 1970s,
ambitious Republicans, including Ronald Rea-
gan, found that they could activate strong
partisan support by soliciting labor and money
from abortion rights opponents. When Reagan
won the party’s nomination for the presidency
in 1980, abortion became a key wedge issue for
the GOP in prying loose Catholic voters from
the Democratic Party. Republicans with na-
tional ambitions got the message. Reagan’s
running mate, George H.W. Bush, came out
against abortion rights to launch his own presi-
dential bid in 1988, even though he and his
family had previously been strong supporters
of Planned Parenthood. Donald Trump also
favored abortion rights, until he decided to run
for the Republican nomination.
When Reagan didn’t do much to end abor-
tion, impatient activists found ways to escalate,
bombing clinics and threatening — and some-
times killing — doctors and clinic staff. Even
when most antiabortion leaders decried vio-
lence, terror raised the costs and difficulties of
operating reproductive health clinics.
Antiabortion activists found other ways to
target clinics without bombs or guns. Entrepre-
neurial activists published manuals with direc-
tions for sabotaging clinics — clogging toilets
or jamming door locks, for example. Randall
Terry founded Operation Rescue to deploy
larger numbers to shut down clinics with their
bodies, not guns. Operation Rescue staged
large civil-disobedience actions and sustained
campaigns in several cities, generating nation-
al headlines and keeping the issue alive.
Other tactics required much smaller num-
bers. A few activists could stage sidewalk coun-
seling sessions outside clinics, which generally
entailed yelling at women who were about to
enter and trying to get them to change their
minds. The protesters often displayed graphic
pictures of fetal remains, intended to disturb.
Nor did it take many people to staff “crisis
pregnancy centers,” which offered ultrasounds
and antiabortion counseling.
There’s no evidence that the protests or the
pictures changed the minds of any women who
wanted abortions, but they presented hurdles
that made operating the clinics harder and


How t he gun-control

movement can succeed

ings, then often fades when results are slow in
But tragedy forges activists and leaders.
Carolyn McCarthy entered politics in 1996
after her husband and son were shot by a
crazed gunman on the Long Island Rail Road.
McCarthy served nine terms in the House of
Representatives, pressing for action on gun
safety, mostly unsuccessfully. Lucy McBath be-
came a gun-control activist after her son was
shot at a gas station when someone thought the
boy was playing music too loudly. First elected
to the House in 2018, McBath has introduced
several gun measures that passed the House
and stalled in the Senate.
The challenge is maintaining both an insti-
tutional infrastructure and a sense of urgency
over the long haul it takes to make change. Alas,
the tragic pace of mass shootings underscores
and reinforces the need for action. In addition,
some committed longer-term funding, and
imaginative organizing from groups like Moms
Demand Action and March for Our Lives, can
The antiabortion movement offers a tem-
plate, but also a caution. Victories aren’t final.
Reversing Roe would be a milestone for the
movement, but it’s not the end. Activists are
planning the next steps in their campaign to
end abortion, fighting battles on state laws and
hoping for more help from the Supreme Court,
and they will have to defend their wins against
a newly antagonized movement for reproduc-
tive rights. For the first time in 50 years,
reproductive rights activists are at least as
energized and engaged as their counterparts.
Gun-control advocates need to dig in for
what will be a long political struggle, one that is
likely to be peppered with horrific events like
the most recent mass shooting. It’s hard to
change policy, but this movement is better
positioned than the antiabortion movement
ever was.
Twitter: @davidsmeyer1

David S. Meyer is a professor of sociology and
political science at the University of California at
Irvine. His most recent book is “How Social
Movements (Sometimes) Matter.”


C amila Alves
McConaughey holds
a pair of green
Converse shoes
similar to those
worn by Uvalde,
Tex., shooting
victim Maite
Rodriguez, 10, as
her husband, actor
and Uvalde native
speaks about gun
regulation at the
White House on

the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit.
Courts reviewing extreme-risk laws have up-
held them on that very basis. In 2016, for
example, a Connecticut appellate court relied
on U.S. Supreme Court precedent in holding
that the state’s statute “does not implicate the
second amendment, as it does not restrict the
right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to
use arms in defense of their homes.”
The crux of the political debate has there-
fore focused on due process — although
due-process challenges to red-flag laws have
fared no better. Nor should they have. A prime
complaint about red-flag laws is that they
allow an order to be issued before the gun
owner has an opportunity to contest the
evidence, but the Supreme Court has long
recognized that there are “extraordinary situ-
ations where some valid governmental inter-
est is at stake that justifies postponing the
hearing until after the event,” as Justice John
Marshall Harlan II wrote in a 1971 case.
Examples include restraining orders filed by
one domestic partner against another, civil
commitments for mental illness and the
temporary removal of children from parental

that the gun owner indeed presents a risk)
varies from “probable cause” to “clear and
convincing” evidence. If the petition is suc-
cessful, the court can enter a short-term
emergency ERPO, usually lasting two weeks
or less. In many cases, that’s all that is needed
— the crisis can be averted. A longer-term
ERPO can be entered only after a full hearing
at which the petitioner again bears the
burden of proof, usually at a higher threshold,
and at which the gun owner can contest the
If there is a constitutional flaw in this basic
structure, it has apparently escaped notice of
the entire United States judiciary: Courts
have rejected Second Amendment and due-
process challenges to ERPO laws, and for good
Perhaps surprisingly, the Second Amend-
ment has not been the focus of most constitu-
tional complaints. That’s because even ardent
Second Amendment defenders like Justice
Amy Coney Barrett recognize that “legisla-
tures have the power to prohibit dangerous
people from possessing guns” — as Barrett
wrote in a 2019 case, when she was a judge on

custody in emergency situations (for instance,
when there are credible allegations of abuse).
In cases like these, delaying urgent action
until after a full hearing can lead to cata-
strophic outcomes.
Given that the Constitution allows emer-
gency action to temporarily remove a person’s
child before a full hearing, it’s hard to argue
that it prohibits emergency action to tempo-
rarily remove a person’s guns. Quite simply,
the Constitution does not require society to
wait until the trigger is pulled.
Though they vary in their particulars,
extreme-risk laws contain several important
procedural safeguards that, as the Supreme
Court has recognized, help to forestall abuse
and ensure due process. They impose the
burden on the petitioner to convince an
independent third party; they guarantee ac-
tive judicial oversight and provide a prompt
hearing focusing on the degree of risk; and
many states impose criminal penalties for
filing false or harassing extreme-risk petitions
(in addition to existing punishments for
Understanding constitutional require-
ments is important not only for lawyers and
judges, but also for those debating gun
regulation. Time and again, arguments based
on misunderstandings of the Constitution
have been used to derail reasonable gun
regulation. After Sandy Hook, for example, an
overwhelming majority of Americans wanted
to expand background checks for gun sales.
Among the minority opposed — some strongly
so — the most common reason was that doing
so would violate the Second Amendment; yet
that position has no support in legal doctrine.
We should not once again make the mistake
of blaming the Constitution for inaction on
gun laws. The structure of extreme-risk laws is
entirely consistent with not only the Second
Amendment but also the constitutional guar-
antee of due process.


ed-flag laws, which allow guns to be
temporarily taken from people who
pose a risk of harm to themselves or
others, are one of the few gun-control regula-
tions that have bipartisan support. “I’m gener-
ally inclined to think some kind of red-flag law
is a good idea,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said
shortly after the May 24 school shooting in
Uvalde, Tex. Key senators have told reporters
that an agreement could be reached soon on
legislation that would include incentives for
more states to pass such laws.
There is strong popular support for red-flag
laws — also known as extreme-risk laws — in
both parties, and more than a dozen states
have adopted them in the past few years
(bringing the total to 19 plus the District of
Columbia). Social science research suggests
that they work, most strikingly in preventing
gun suicides.
So what prevents their wider adoption,
including at the federal level? Some gun rights
advocates and their allies in Congress say they
violate the due-process clauses of the Fifth
and 14th Amendments. “Depriving citizens of
Life, Liberty, or Property, without Due Proc-
ess, is a clear violation of our Constitution,”
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) tweeted on May

  1. “Every member of Congress swears an oath
    to ‘support and defend’ the Constitution.
    Voting for, or introducing, Red Flag Laws is a
    blatant violation of that oath.”
    But such criticisms are off base. Politicians
    considering red-flag laws, whether in Con-
    gress or state legislatures, should do so based
    on an accurate understanding of what the
    Constitution requires. It indeed guarantees
    “due process of law” whenever the govern-
    ment seeks to deprive a person of “life, liberty,
    or property.” But the basic design of extreme-
    risk laws is fully consistent with constitution-
    al commands, as we showed in a recent law
    review article.
    Here’s how red-flag laws work: A limited set
    of people — law enforcement officers, family
    or household members, and sometimes oth-
    ers — can petition a judge to issue an
    “extreme-risk protection order” (ERPO) re-
    quiring a person to temporarily surrender his
    or her firearms and refrain from acquiring
    new ones. Depending on the state, the burden
    of proof the petitioner must meet (to establish

No, red-flag gun laws don’t violate due-process rights

Courts have
challenges to
these measures,
note legal
scholars Joseph
Blocher and
J ake Charles


New York Gov.
Kathy Hochul (D),
joined by officials
including Buffalo
Mayor Byron
Brown, right,
displays gun
legislation during a
signing ceremony at
a community center
in the Bronx last
week. T he new
measures include a
broadening of the
state’s red-flag law,
which allows courts
to seize the guns of
anyone deemed to
be a danger to
themselves or

Joseph Blocher is the Lanty L. Smith ’67 professor
of law and a co-director of the Center for Firearms
Law at Duke Law School. Jake Charles is the
executive director of the Center for Firearms Law at
Duke Law School. As of fall 2022, he will be an
associate professor of law at Pepperdine University
Caruso School of Law.
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