The Washington Post - USA (2022-06-12)

(Antfer) #1




When her lease is up in Octo-
ber, Veronica Vanterpool is plan-
ning to get rid of her Nissan
Vanterpool, who grew up in the
Bronx and took three buses to get
to high school, was appointed
deputy administrator of the Fed-
eral Transit Administration in
After moving from Wilming-
ton, Del., to Washington last year,
Vanterpool decided she no longer
needed her car. “I drive it maybe
three times a month,” she said in
an interview with The Washing-
ton Post.
Vanterpool was chief innova-
tion officer at the Delaware Tran-
sit Corp. and spent a decade as an
activist at the Tri-State Transpor-
tation Campaign, pushing for im-
provements to transit in New
York, New Jersey and Connecti-
Now she’s working inside the
Transportation Department’s
D.C. headquarters, hoping to help
communities stranded by spotty
or nonexistent transit service and
to improve safety by promoting
alternatives to driving — goals
that are supported by a surge in
transit spending in the infra-
structure law President Biden
signed last year.
The interview was lightly edit-
ed for length and clarity.

Q: You spent so long as an
advocate outside government.
Now you’re in the middle of it.
Do you ever find yourself having
to hold your tongue?
A: I am very much still an
advocate at heart. I just have to
approach it a little differently.
When I was on the outside, we
had to push, sometimes very
assertively and aggressively. The
tactics and strategies that we
used sometimes could be
bombastic — though always,
from our perspective, it was
rooted in data and rooted in fact.
When you’re within government,
you recognize that you are
working with people who are
also very mission-driven and
share a lot of the same goals. So
being bombastic is not a priority
anymore. You’re using different
tactics. Now I have a little bit
more influence within a team of
influencers who have
fingerprints on what is being
produced, what is being
discussed and the outcomes of
those discussions — and doing it
in a way that is not taking years
of pushing. That shift has been
very welcome. But I’m very
much still that advocate that is
questioning and asking and
challenging. Now I’m working
within a team to find a lot of
those solutions. Before, I was
demanding solutions. There are
less demands now when you’re
working within.

Q: What is the connection
between transit and reducing
road deaths?

A: The absolute connection is
the more people are using our
transit system, the less reliant
they are on a vehicle. That
means, in many cases, that there
are fewer vehicles on the road,
and fewer vehicles leads to fewer
fatalities and injuries among
pedestrians and bicyclists. The
data supports that. In fact, those
metropolitan areas that have the
largest public transportation
systems have the fewest
pedestrian fatalities and injuries,
per capita. When you’re reducing
the number of vehicles on the
road, it makes for a more
walkable and livable
environment. It’s not that we’re
against the car. We’re providing
options, and options that are

Q: What if making those kinds of
transit investments proves too
slow and expensive?
A: It doesn’t always have to be
costly and always take a lot of
time. While many big cities are
investing in capital-intensive
projects to support legacy rail
systems, as they should, there
are investments that can be
made on a smaller scale.
Some communities can put
systems up within months. We
saw that during the pandemic.
The FTA has been investing in
on-demand services for quite
some time, which puts smaller

vehicles on the road to respond
to passengers’ needs at the

Q: You did that in Delaware,
A: I applied for and won one of
the FTA’s Accelerating
Innovative Mobility grants. The
project was in a rural area that
was already served by the
Delaware Transit Corp., where I
worked. The challenge was the
service wasn’t frequent enough,
which is true in many rural
communities. The ridership is
not there, but the ridership that
exists needs service. Delaware
used its own vehicles, and we
contracted with a third party to
create and provide software for
an on-demand micro-transit
pilot called DART Connect,
which includes an app on the
phone. But because this was an
equity-focused project, we didn’t
want this just to be for people
with a smartphone. We wanted
there to be a 1-800 number for
people to call and connect with a
live person who could book the
ride for them.
These are individuals who are
very limited in employment
options, because they can’t get
there. They’re very limited in the
health services they can seek and
receive. And, like in other rural
communities, they are dealing
with a lot of social and health

issues. The outcome was that
passengers and customers who
were waiting upward of 60 to 75
minutes for a bus — because that
was the schedule — were getting
a ride in an average of nine to 11
We connected two
communities, Georgetown and
Millsboro, that were 10 miles
apart, largely agricultural, very
low-income. More than 40
percent of the population is
Spanish-speaking. These were
individuals who just didn’t have
access to a vehicle, and now they
were able to take many transit
trips. The five top destinations
we served were the poultry
plant, Walmart, a rehabilitation
center, parole and the jail. This is
a population that is generally not
well-served in any community
across the United States.
This is an issue of equity and
access. That’s what transit is.
Ridership in Delaware is
soaring. It is $2 a ride, the same
as the local bus system. And we
are connecting people in ways
they hadn’t been.

Q: What else can be done to
make life on buses better, more
A: Transit is the great equalizer.
Nuria Fernandez, our
administrator, says that all the
time. The data shows that more
people of lower means are riding

buses. And they often have the
most challenging commutes,
either because they’re slow or
they’re lengthy or the buses are
Buses often run in mixed
traffic, slowing them down. But
many transit agencies don’t own
the roads or the infrastructure
that the buses operate on. You
look around the globe and you’ll
see very clear examples, decades-
old, of investment in bus
infrastructure, for example, with
dedicated bus ways. We often are
not seeing that level of
partnership and investment in
our bus systems.

Q: What have you seen that’s
good, and bad, about the
Washington region’s
transportation network?
A: It’s very nice for me to be in a
city that is walkable, that is
bikeable. I have appreciated the
investments that the District of
Columbia has made. It is a
Vision Zero city, seeking no
traffic deaths. There’s significant
commitment to bike and
pedestrian infrastructure.
I have appreciated the
investments that WMATA is
making in service. I mean, look,
the renovations and the service
reductions, are they
inconvenient for users? Of
course they are. But, you know,
they’re for a reason. What I
appreciate is the constant
investment. I appreciate being in
a city where I can give up my car.
I love seeing buses all the time
around here. My goal is to just
hop on the bus and ride around
the city. I already have my next
bus routes laid out, because I
need to be connected to the
Around the country, many
transit systems are in survival
mode still, looking to increase
ridership and deal with all sorts
of concerns, including rising
covid cases, operator shortages
and supply chain issues.
But we need to get back onto
our systems again. And that’s
what I love about this city — I
can do that.

Q: Why did you want to do this
kind of work?
A: My background is in
environmental policy and
science. I always noticed
inequities in my community. I’m
Puerto Rican, born and raised in
the Bronx. We didn’t have a lot of
parkland, and the parks that we
have are all concrete. There
weren’t a lot of trees.
When I started, I didn’t know
much about transportation,
other than being a transit user.
Being on the train and being on
the buses, that was my mobility,
that was my freedom.
What keeps me here in this
work is the equity of it. It’s
incredibly important for people
to have access. What I love about
this work is connecting people to
each other, connecting people to
what matters.

She rode 3 buses to school in the Bronx. Now she’s a top transit o∞cial.

Veronica Vanterpool was appointed deputy administrator of the Federal Transit Administration last month. She’s hoping to help
communities stranded by poor transit service and promote alternates to driving.

“When you’re reducing

the number of vehicles

on the road, it makes

for a more walkable

and livable

Veronica Vanterpool, Federal
Transit Administration deputy
administrator, on how t ransit can cut
down on road deaths


Metro’s incoming general
manager announced Friday that
he has left his former job run-
ning Austin’s transit system and
will join Metro on July 25.
Randy Clarke, 45, was hired
May 10 to replace Paul J. Wie-
defeld, who had planned to retire
at the end of this month but
resigned six days after Clarke’s
hiring was announced. Wie-
defeld’s resignation came after
Metro revealed nearly half of all
train operators were not up to

date on testing and training,
leading some elected officials to
openly question the agency’s
Clarke had been expected to
join Metro later in the summer
after fulfilling obligations as
chief executive of the Capital
Metropolitan Transportation Au-
thority in Texas. Metro officials
on Friday confirmed the start
“I’ll be taking a little break as I
make the move to #DC and
settling in,” Clarke tweeted.
“Looking forward to starting as
GM/CEO @wmata on July 25
and will start using this account
at that time. Onward!”
Clarke changed his Twitter
account to reflect his new posi-
tion: @wmataGM. He did not
respond Friday to a direct mes-

Andy Off, Metro’s senior vice
president for capital projects, is
serving as interim general man-
Clarke led Austin’s transit sys-
tem for four years and previously
held leadership and safety roles
at the Massachusetts Bay Trans-
portation Authority in Boston.
His work in Washington will
include navigating through the
loss of tens of thousands of
commuters because of telework
and a corresponding budget hole
that could reach a half-billion
dollars annually starting next
On Thursday, Off said Metro
was several weeks away from
starting final tests and prepara-
tions to open the 11.4-mile Silver
Line extension from Reston to
Loudoun County.
The extension, delayed by

nearly four years because of
construction issues, could open
in late fall or winter, providing
the first rail stop to Washington
Dulles International Airport.
The extension includes six sta-
The agency is also putting
hundreds of train and bus opera-
tors through refresher courses
and tests to recertify them after
Metro discovered many were
lacking up-to-date credentials.
Since the discovery, nearly 90
train operators and 132 bus oper-
ators have completed training
and tests to be recertified, ac-
cording to Metro.
The transit agency is also
under a safety order from the
Washington Metrorail Safety
Commission that restricts how
Metro controls track power. The
safety commission said Metro

repeatedly does not follow safety
guidelines that protect workers
from electrocution. Metro is
working with the safety commis-
sion on a corrective action plan.
Chief among Metro’s problems
is the absence of its 7000-series
rail cars, which the safety com-
mission suspended in October
after a federal investigation into
a derailment uncovered a defect
in the cars’ wheels and axles.
The commission sidelined 748
cars, making up 60 percent of
Metro’s fleet. Their suspension
has created a nearly eight-month
train shortage that has forced the
transit agency to reduce service,
creating lengthy waits for trains.
The commission late last month
approved Metro’s request to re-
turn 64 cars to service, commit-
ting to daily inspections of the
cars’ wheels.

Metro’s new general manager sets July 25 start date

Randy Clarke was hired May 10
to replace Paul J. Wiedefeld.

Randy Clarke comes to
WMATA after 4 years
leading Austin’s system

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