The Washington Post - USA (2022-06-12)

(Antfer) #1


Book World

All about

interiors for

pets that will

leave you both





hen my husband and I
are ready to call it a
day, one of us will
loudly say, “Big beds!”
which prompts our elderly Chi-
huahua, Herschel, to move from
his living room bed (a fuzzy little
igloo, of sorts) to his bedroom
bed. There, he stretches out on a
memory foam doggy mattress
that cost nearly as much as our
When it comes to animals,
there are two kinds of people: pet
people and not pet people. I fall
firmly in the former and, quite
honestly, don’t understand the
latter. When Lady Danbury
growled, “Not on my chair!” as
Kate Sharma’s corgi, Newton,
jumped into her bergère in this
season’s “Bridgerton,” I let out a
chuckle. I’d have given Newton a
footstool to make the hop easier.
(Herschel has a ramp for our
Silk brocade and paws may be
asking for trouble, but a surge in
good-looking pet decor has not
only made our homes more at-
tractive but is also helping our
pets feel better, too. Two new

books — “For the Love of Pets:
Contemporary Architecture and
Design for Animals” and “Where
They P urr: Inspirational Interiors
and the Cats Who Call Them
Home” — explore ways in which
we might more comfortably —
and, in some cases, luxuriously —
coexist with our furry friends.
“For the Love of Pets” delves
into dozens of products and proj-
ects from around the globe that
reflect the changes happening in
the pet decor market, especially a
new consideration of the physical
and psychological needs of our
animals. A modular cardboard
system by Ta iwan design firm A
Cat Thing was inspired by its
founders’ traumatized rescue cat,
who sought comfort in the dark
recesses of a simple box. Fetch
House, from D.C.-headquartered
firm CallisonRTKL, is a 3D-print-
ed doghouse made to size and
inset with tennis balls, melding
easy grab-and-go playtime with a
dog’s need to den.
Architects are having some
fun, too. As part of an earthquake
retrofit, Hitotomori Architects in
Nara, Japan, added interior struc-
tural supports that could double
as catwalks for the family’s f elines
(they even made it so the cats
could move from room to room
via the ceiling beams), and Cal-
gary, Alberta, firm Studio North
creates built-in wall nooks for
quiet hidey spaces.
When I asked Phoenix-based
cat style expert Kate Benjamin,
founder of Hauspanther, “Is it too
much to decorate for your pet?”
her answer was a resounding,
“No!” A former director of mar-
keting for a baby-gear company,

CATable 2.0, by LYCS Architecture,
is made up of four diverse wood blocks
that can be arranged to satisfy your
cat’s and your heart’s desire.

flat-pack furniture company, is
making pet furniture, including a
side table with a pullout bed for
owners on a tight budget.
Pet Keen also points out that
73 percent of owners report that
their pets bring their families
closer together. In that
spirit of appreciation,
Australian photographer
Paul Barbera published
“Where They Purr,” a fol-
low-up to his artist-stu-
dio-focused book,
“Where They C reate.” The
book features luxury in-
teriors but is focused on
the felines that inhabit
them. “One day, I was
shooting Swiss artist Olaf
Breuning in the New York
City loft where he lived
and worked, when I spot-
ted his two regal British
shorthairs lounging on a
table,” recounts Barbera
in his introduction.
“Within this human
realm, the cats seemed
like living, breathing dei-
ties; earthly yet mystical.
I felt compelled to im-
mortalize their elusive
energy with my camera
before the moment was
What makes Barbera’s
book so coffee-table-wor-
thy is how charmingly it
captures each cat’s eccen-
tricities. While Winston
Fluffybum likes to perch
in the library window of his 19th-
century Italianate home in Mel-
bourne, Australia, neighbor Har-
vey Crafti prefers the living room
sofa, from which he can admire
his own likeness custom-embroi-
dered onto an ottoman by design-
er Suzie Stanford. But there’s a p et
decor denier in every group: Her-
cules, another Melbourne resi-
dent, wants to be nowhere more
than his owner’s chest.
“The world has a better under-
standing of compassion now, that
these are sentient beings,” Benja-
min says. “They’re a part of our
lives, and it’s fulfilling.” And what
nicer way to express our gratitude
for the joy they bring our house-
holds than to give them an indul-
gent little something all their own.

Maile Pingel is a writer in Los
Angeles and a former editor at
Architectural Digest.

Benjamin watched that market
shift from day-care-like designs
to upscale options and wondered
why the same wasn’t happening
in the pet world. “We need to
design for our animals,” she says.
“We need to understand their
behavioral side so
they’re comfy and stress-
free. Cats are tiny preda-
tors with natural in-
stincts — climb, scratch,
hide, hunt — and if you
cater to that, you can
help them live their best
life.” It’s a subject Benja-
min — co-author of “Cat-
ification” and “Catify to
Satisfy” with behaviorist
Jackson Galaxy of Ani-
mal Planet’s “My Cat
From Hell” — knows
well. Her design solu-
tions for clients range
from inexpensive hacks
to custom jobs that run
up to $5,000.
The pet decor boom
extends to what we hu-
mans call “tabletop.”
When Seattle-based in-
dustrial designer Jay Sae
Jung Oh couldn’t find
the right dishes for her
dog, Boo, she created her
own collection, launch-
ing Boo Oh in 2018. (It
also includes leather
harnesses, leashes and
uber-chic poop bags.) “I
wanted simple, mini-
malist bowls but could
only find things with crazy graph-
ics,” she explains, adding that she
would hide her ugly old bowls
when friends came over. “There’s
been a lack of options on the
market, and I thought, someone
needs to fix this.” (I share Oh’s
disdain for silly bowls and for
years have adopted lonely an-
tique saucers at estate sales —
they were the perfect size for my
cats and work equally well for toy
dog breeds.)
In t he success of these boutique
operations, big manufacturers
have spied a juicy treat. Accord-
ing to pet advice company Pet
Keen, the pet accessories market
is expected to grow by $9.2 billion
from 2022 to 2025. “Pet decor has
become more mainstream with
social media,” explains Benjamin.
“Ikea has a whole section now
with some really fantastic things.”
Sauder, North America’s leading

By Paul Barbera
Thames & Hudson.
239 pp. $50

Edited by the
Publishing Group.
248 pp.
Paperback, $35


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