Boat International - June 2018

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1 | June 2018




use porcelain plates and when it comes to
decorating tables I take inspiration from
the sea, such as shells or driftwood. Guests
are always delighted by such thoughtful
and natural touches.”
Rules for flowers follow those for food.
Choose local, ethical growers and suppliers
and get the lowdown on how they operate: are
the flowers grown sustainably using natural
pesticides? Is flower waste composted? Do
they use biodegradable plastic and cellophane
and natural ties rather than elastic bands and
string, both of which can cause injury and
death to marine life? As an alternative, use
potted arrangements as table centrepieces.
They can be gifted to g uests to take home
or restyled to extend their life on board.

Keeping yachts immaculate is a 24/7 job, so
if you’re not using marine-friendly products
that means a lot of harmful chemicals
being released into the ocean. Antibes-
based Environmental Yacht Services (EYS)
supplies MARPOL-compliant cleaning
products worldwide, meaning you can be
marine-friendly from deck to galley. “Just
by changing your dishwasher and laundry
products you can make a 60 per cent
improvement on your yacht’s ocean-pollution
impact,” says EYS owner Sheila Goddard
Entertaining generates a lot of waste,
which needs careful management. Ocean
Changemakers (
maritime) has some good advice on waste
disposal. To a large extent it comes down
to awareness and planning – think before
you buy, be creative in repurposing things,
donate costumes or linens to charity and
make an extra efort to recycle. It can be a
challenge to find proper facilities in some
ports but they often do exist, even if it’s not
immediately obvious. If in doubt, ask the
port authority and raise awareness of the
need for solutions.
Ocean advocate Emily Penn stresses the
need for owners and crews to collaborate.
“The yacht industry is in a unique position to
bring about real changes to the health of our
oceans. It’s about working together, sharing
learnings and getting the word out. We all have
an opportunity to be part of the solution and
even the smallest changes count.”
Thanks to MARPOL reg ulations, onboard
waste systems have improved. Innovations

such as Tony Team machines (
mean many types of waste can be compressed
to 14 per cent of the original size so it can be
stored cleanly and compactly until it can be
disposed of responsibly. Chefs can also lower
environmental impact with blast chillers and
shock freezers. Some models use up to 30 per
cent less gas than traditional methods and
their fast-chill facility makes them perfect for
catering at volume.

Parties inevitably mean lots of people coming
and going, so consider how to transport
guests to and from the yacht with minimum
environmental impact. Electric tenders,
such as Mylne Yacht Design’s Bolt 18, do the
job in style with pollution-free, all-electric
propulsion ( Take care to also
research the location of your party, steering
clear of sensitive areas – at all costs avoid

“I love entertaining
and am conscious
of the need to be
natural. I avoid the
use of any plastic
on our yachts”

dropping anchor on a seagrass meadow, coral
reef or other fragile marine habitat.
If an event or party means investing in
new furniture or interior accessories, look
to companies with an ethical approach, such
as Summit Furniture (,
which uses sustainable plantation-grown teak
for chairs and tables, and Nature Squared
(, which uses only natural
materials that are not endangered. Even better,
if your yacht is yet to be built or due for refit,
rethink all the materials – right down to the
decks of entertaining areas. Natural cork,
for example, is a more ethical alternative to
traditional teak.
Companies such as Clear Group
International ( put
sustainability at the heart of your entertaining
spaces. “There are new advances all the time,”
confirms CEO Joyce Clear. “We already have
textiles that generate energy from the sun, and
wind and wave energy being used to operate
electronic devices and lighting. In addition, we
are always employing chemical-free interior
solutions and never use plastic when possible –
it’s all helping to make mindful entertaining
a great deal more realistic.”B

Orchids on board
Amaryllis, top left;
samples of Nature
Squared’s style,
left; the Seafood
Watch app; Mylne’s
Bolt 18 tender;

a potted flower
on Here Comes
The Sun, below;
recycling in
port, above; eco
cleaning products


Above: Nautilus
vase, £1,750,


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