Professional BoatBuilder - April-May 2018

(Ann) #1
24 Professional BoatBuilder

HIGH SPEED: Foiling, Part 1

performance], you’d have to eliminate
mechanical control types and human
interaction,” he said. “Control really is a
software issue. It’s a programming

The pioneers
Air and water are fluids with vastly
different densities. A foil running
through them produces lift based on
similar principles—Newton’s Laws of
Motion and the Coanda effect. It’s not
surprising that many flight pioneers in
the early 20th century also experi-
mented with hydrofoils. In Italy,
Enrico Forlanini, an aeronautical
engineer, was perhaps the first to
achieve full flight on ladder foils in
his surprisingly modern-
looking craft Idrottero,
which zipped across Lago
Maggiore at 37 knots as
early as 1906. Photo-
graphs reveal that he
experimented with vari-
ous propulsion systems,
including two counter-
rotating air screws and a
strut-drive that extended
downward into the water
about amidships to drive
a propeller. In the U.K.,
John Thornycroft used
foils to boost speed in his
On the U.S. side of the
Atlantic, brothers William
and Larned Meacham
tested hydrofoiling con-
cepts during the first
decade of the 20th cen-
tury, including a surface
follower that acted as
a height sensor. They
applied for and received
several patents for their
work, which they called,
strangely enough, a hydroplaning boat.
Inventor Alexander Graham Bell and
his partner Frederick W. “Casey”
Baldwin experimented with stacked
kites and hydrofoils on the Bras d’Or
Lakes in Nova Scotia. After meeting
Forlanini in Italy in 1911 and getting a
ride on his foiler, Baldwin designed

a few inches or a couple of feet at most.
“Complete (optimal) control is not
possible with a mechanical system that
is based on angle input or visual input
from the operator,” said Chris Pappas,
an engineer at Naiad Dynamics, a
U.S. company that develops and imple-
ments stabilizing and control systems
for large military and commercial ves-
sels. “The analogy is fly-by-wire sys-
tems used on airplanes today. The pilot
moves a stick, but the computer is cor-
recting to steer the plane in the direc-
tion requested. A human cannot sense
rate, because by the time he is feeling a
change in attitude (angle), the motion
has already occurred, while computers
can use the rate and acceleration input

from a sensor and do the math to pro-
vide a solution.” Pappas’s sentiment is
shared by Paul Bieker, a Seattle-based
yacht designer who has been instru-
mental in all of Oracle’s America’s C u p
campaigns. “Once you go to a fly-by-
wire control system, input and output is
controlled by data bus. [For optimum

For a long time, the so-called air-
plane configuration dominated hydro-
foil design, with the main foil(s) for-
ward and small stabilizing foil(s)
under a narrow stern. This works well
on boats with a forward center of grav-
ity. Beginning in the late 1950s, the so-
called canard system gained traction.
It puts one foil forward to support the
bow, to initiate turns when foilborne,
and to control foiling height; the main
foil aft carries most (70% to 80%) of
the boat’s weight and provides lateral
stability and roll authority.

Control systems
The third major factor determining
hydrofoil performance is motion and
ride control. The wilder the
water and the smaller the
craft, the more challenging
the task. Small sailboats
rely on passive control via
foil shape (the Olympic
Nacra 17 foiling catama-
ran or the A-class cata-
marans), or active mechan-
ical controls where a wand
determines the foils’ angle
of attack and the hull’s
elevation above water.
(For more on wand con-
trols and the development
of sailing foilers, see
“Takeoff Window,” PBB
No. 139.) While simple
and cost-effective, such sys-
tems require user input and
response, which is not as
smooth and consistent as a
computer program med to
manage pitch, heave, yaw,
heel, and elevation based
on the inputs from sen-
sors—gyroscopes, accel-
ero meters, IMUs (iner tia
measuring units), radar,
optical or acoustic sensors, knot-
meters, GPS, and positioning sensors.
It’s easy to imagine that modern foil-
ing boats are destined to operate
less like conventional boats and
more like airplanes, though the latter
have thousands of feet of altitude to
play with, while a foiling boat has but

Designer Alexander Sahlin drives an early prototype of the Swedish
Foiltwister. It uses mechanically controlled foils, including a wand
at the bow to manage foiling height.

“Control really is a software issue.

It’s a programming problem.”

—Paul Bieker


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