32 Professional BoatBuilder
HIGH SPEED: Foiling, Part 1
floppy drive. And here’s where it gets
a bit more academic: Larsen derived
the control law using the Linear Qua-
dratic Regulator algorithm coded in
Visual Basic. Its control gains vary
with speed. The differential equation
of height is:
ddh/ddt = k*(α–(dh/dt)/v) – g
where h = height; α = angle of attack
measured from the zero-lift angle
relative to the boat’s coordinate
system; k = the bow foil’s lift slope;
g = the gravitational constant; and
v = velocity.
Using Xfoil, a free software for sub-
sonic airfoil development, he designed
and built a new aluminum bow strut,
carbon fiber bow foil, aft foil, and side
struts. He also added a foil-position
sensor, an rpm sensor, a new bow
foil actuator, a servo valve/manifold,
and electronic interface to the com-
puter. The actuated bow foil is oper-
ated by hydraulics with a custom-
built throw cylinder and a fast Rexroth
high-performance servo valve that
opens fully in 10 milliseconds.
To measure the distance from the
gunwale to the water, which deter-
mines foiling height, Larsen added
two Senix Toughsonic 14 ultrasonic
sensors, which he installed in the bow
at 15° angles. An ADXL 203 acceler-
ometer is also mounted in the bow,
while the impeller for the knotmeter
system’s parameters on a 10" (254mm)
sunlight-readable LCD screen in the
cockpit, the update speed is 75 Hz.
Larsen programmed the computer
with 1,500 lines of code in C++. About
half is reserved for the display, the rest
for the control algorithm and interfac-
ing subroutines. A Borland C++ 5.02
compiler generates the executable
code, which is transferred to the
SBC0489 flash memory through its
Talaria’s 133-MHz, 64-bit CPU is an
industrial computer with the neces-
sary interface capability. It’s a SBC0489
from Micro/sys, with a total of 16
channels of analog-to-digital convert-
ers (ADC), 1-MB flash memory, four
channels of digital-to-analog convert-
ers (DAC), a RS232 interface, VGA
screen driver, and a floppy disk port.
While executing the flight-control
software and displaying the control
Left—The custom-programmed LCD monitor displays vital data including speed, rudder angle, roll rate, and foiling height.
Right—Talaria’s “brain,” an industrial 133-MHz, 64-bit central processing unit, sits unceremoniously on the aft bunk, surrounded
by coils of cables.
A view of the stern reveals the extension of the outdrive shaft, which keeps the
propeller submerged when foiling, and Talaria’s anhedral rear foils.
Foiling172-ADFinal.indd 32 2/21/18 7:39 PM