56 Professional BoatBuilder
teve Rander is something of a legend
on the West Coast. For nearly four
decades he has built numerous success-
ful racing and cruising yachts, like the
70 ' (21.3m) Rage, which won her class
in the 1993 Transpac, the 42' (12.8m)
Magic Carpet, and the 60' (18.3m) Ocean
Planet for the Vendée Globe, an around-
the-world race. All are cold-molded in
wood veneer and epoxy, some over
foam core to reduce weight. And he’d
earned a reputation as a contender on
many of the West Coast long-distance
races, like the Transpac, Pacific Cup,
Oregon Offshore, and Swiftsure. All this
out of a small shop in Portland, Oregon,
a hundred miles (161 km) up the
Columbia River from the bold Pacific
and the famed Columbia River bar.
The short version of his career reads
like this: Grew up in Southern Califor-
nia, graduated from high school in
1964, went to work for Joe McGlasson
at Wayfarer Yacht Corp. building
Islander sailboats, got married, “did
some sailing,” lived on a boat, got fed
up with the mass of humanity in greater
LA, moved to Oregon, and in 1977
Tooling and Techniques
from Schooner Creek
Text and photographs
by Dan Spurr
(except where noted)
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