April/MAy 2018 57
what he focuses on. On his desk are
plans for a 65' (19.8m) Morrelli & Mel-
vin (see “Diversifying the Portfolio,”
Professional BoatBuilder No. 127) cata-
maran, somewhat unusual in that it will
function as a day charter in California
and as a private yacht.
Kevin Flanigan joined us. “I grew up
on a cattle ranch in Colorado,” he says.
“I saw a lot of windsurfers on a small
landlord, got into the conversation and
bought the company. Now I get to do
what I like without worrying about the
running of the company.” He says this
with a twinkle in his eye, as if he’s out-
witted the fates...or at least the sales-
men and creditors he no longer has to
deal with.
What he likes to do is build boats,
and under the new arrangement, that’s
founded Schooner Creek Boat Works.
Then, in 2015, he sold the business.
Long on my short list of builders to
visit, I figured I’d missed my chance to
meet Rander. But I wanted to see the
Schooner Creek operation anyway, so
I contacted new owner Kevin Flani-
gan and set a date in August 2017.
The current shop, in its third loca-
tion since the company’s inception, is
set on the Columbia River, on Hayden
Island, looking across at Vancouver,
Washington. On entering the office
complex, I was greeted by a man of
average size, balding, with a boat-
builder’s hands.
“Kevin Flanigan, I presume?”
“No. Steve Rander.”
“Wow! You’re still here?”
“Sshh. I never left.”
Flabbergasted but pleased, I followed
Rander to his office, where he endeav-
ored to explain his presence. “A couple
of years ago my wife and I started to
think about retirement. Kevin, the
Facing page—At Schooner Creek Boat Works, crew work on the
cabintop for the first of two 65' (19.8m) catamarans at left.
When it’s finished, a second will be infused while the mold is still
on the floor. Underneath the hardtop is the mold for the bridge
deck. Above—Magic Carpet is a 42' (12.8m) racing yacht built in
1980 in epoxied wood veneer over wood frames. Right—The 70'
(21.3m) Rage, also built with wood veneers, has had a success-
ful offshore racing career, including first in class in the 1993
Transpac. Below—Steve Rander, left, founded Schooner Creek in
1977 and sold it to Kevin Flanigan, one of his customers, in
2015, though Rander is still deeply involved.
A 40-year-old Oregon custom boat shop relies on
ingenuity, thrift, and diversity to stay profitable.
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