Boat International - May 2018

(Wang) #1
Map – Jing Zhang

Jürg Marquard
Yacht: Azzurra II
Length: 47.9m
Year: 1988
Location: Bodrum

You’re having some work done...
That’s right. The yacht is still in the shipyard in Bodrum,
where she has undergone an extensive refit. We have made
a lot of technical improvements and my wife is constantly
upgrading the interior. She should leave the shed by the
end of March and go in the water by 9 April, after which
there will be a three week in-water test, trial and survey
programme. If everything goes to plan, I will join the yacht
with my family and spend 10 days on her in Bodrum, before
leaving for Capri where we plan to meet a group of friends
around 18 May. If the sea is calm I intend to stay on board
for the passage to Capri; if it’s not, we will fly home and
rejoin in Capri. All in all, I hope to spend up to three months
on board during the Med season

Do you work from the boat?
I work every day on board! I also use the yacht to conduct
board meetings – it makes a change from the office and the
team loves it
Where’s your favourite corner of the Med?
My wife and I both just love Capri in the springtime so we’re
really looking forward to May
Any advice for someone thinking of getting into yachting?
Definitely. Don’t think too long about it, just do it and don’t
let yourself get bothered by jealous people who roll out that
old joke about the two best days of your boating life being
the day you buy it and the day you sell it. There are a million
magic moments in between that make yachting the absolutely
best thing you can do with your money!

Congrats on the purchase. How long were you looking
for a yacht?
I have always enjoyed boating and being out on the water.
A few years ago I decided that it was the right time for my
family and I to look into buying a large boat to travel abroad
and see places that we have not had the opportunity
to travel to. Ultimately, I thought that the multi-year
commitment to a new build was too much and I looked
around at what was available on the market. Palmira
caught our eye because it has a strong pedigree, being a
Fitzroy and designed by Dubois, but she is also sporty with
large, light spaces. We loved her versatility and also the
smooth and comfortable ride. I do believe that this
is truly a unique and class-leading cruiser with the ability
to perform at peak racing conditions
What changes have you made to the yacht?
Although the boat was kept in excellent condition by the
previous owner, we undertook a major refit with a focus
on equipment and machinery as well as some aesthetics.
In the process we completed the following: complete
overhaul of the main engine and generators, upgraded the
communication and navigation systems, upgraded the A/V

system completely, updated and repaired the hydraulics
and pneumatics as well as the AC/ventilation systems and
the rigging throughout. In addition, we replaced the fabrics
on all of the furniture, redesigned one cabin which was
previously a gym and purchased all new toys and equipment
for ourselves and guests
Have you owned boats previously?
When I first moved from Europe to Canada I became
a lover of boating on the lakes and my first boat was a 16m
Carver. I then purchased a cottage and went down to
a 10m Regal, which I still have although unfortunately do
not use frequently enough. In 2013 I purchased an Alen 55
to have in the Caribbean and it has been one of the best
purchases I have made and an incredibly enjoyable boat
What are you most looking forward to with your new
I am sure everyone says this, but I am most looking forward
to sailing around the world and getting to places that few
human beings have ever travelled. I greatly look forward
to sailing in Patagonia and the South Pacific but also to
Central America and eventually the Indian Ocean and
South East Asia. Sailing is the most serene experience and

moving under the silence of the wind is truly incredible
Will you race her?
At the moment I have not had the opportunity to spend
too much time with her so I have not even thought about
racing. Ultimately, I want to spend one or two seasons
cruising and then eventually I would enjoy racing and
participating in some of the regattas
Is the family excited?
My older sons are excited, although given their work
schedule I am sure we will only see them on the holidays.
My girls are really looking forward to our trips and we will
have our first family trip in the coming weeks. It is definitely
a great opportunity to have everyone together and create
new family memories for everyone
Can you tell us about the name?
Picking a name for a boat is very personal and it takes
a long time. In this case I racked my brain and wanted
to find something relevant to my family and I. Finally,
I decided to name it after a company that I founded
in my 20s which was my first business success. Whenever
I see the boat and the name it will always remind me of my
journey from being a young man to a superyacht owner

Owner of Palmira
Length: 45m
Year: 2009
Location: St Kitts & Nevis


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