Boating New Zealand - May 2018

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38 Boating New Zealand

hen Mike Hunter reviewed the irst Dickey
32 back in December 2008 it read like he
had written it at the Boating New Zealand
Christmas party. He appeared under the
inluence, or drunk-in-charge-of-a-pencil as
it is called in writing circles.
He waxed on about quality, design and detail and kept
mentioning Lotto. He was in love and he was gonna buy one
of these boats as soon as he got a raise from the editor. I could
smell the rum on his breath.
Ten years on when the current editor approached me to do
the review of the latest version of the Dickey 32 – named Jack –

I was determined not to fall into the same trap so I approached
it all with the sobriety of a monk.

he irst thing the sober mind notices about the new Dickey
32 is that the hull and deck design have not changed from the
original model. his shows that the hours of designing and
detailing put in by Dennis Harjamaa and the Dickey team back
in 2008 achieved that rare condition of timeless design.
he distinctive plumb bow, sweeping sheer and chine detail,
capped of with a well-proportioned pilothouse, give the Dickey
32 the aspect of an elegant, modern classic.


The latest version of the
popular Dickey 32 expands
its appeal and performance.^ AN EVEN
Free download pdf