Boating New Zealand - May 2018

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Kirk’s Waverunner
is fully kitted out
for sport fishing.
It features a large
icebox, integrated
and powerful
electronics. The ice
box is plumbed to
function as a live
bait tank.

We’d squeezed in a lot of ishing and covered a fair bit
of water in a relatively short time, which, says Kirk, is one
of the many attractions of ishing from a PWC.
“hat’s what’s so great about them. hey’re fast, so you
can cover a lot of water quickly, and they have the range to
go a long way.”
Good skis will handle rough water without pounding
their riders to pulp and they’re amazingly stable at rest,
says Kirk, making them good ishing platforms.
With so much demand on people’s time these days, the
ability to launch a PWC, blast out to your chosen ishing
ground and then return home within a few hours should
not be undervalued.
It’s one of the many things Kirk loves about jet-ski
ishing, but he also enjoys hitching up the ski and heading
away for a day, a weekend or longer: “It’s easy to tow, I can
launch it just about anywhere and it’s not a hassle to park
after a day on the water.”
It’s also easy to clean up, requiring nothing more than
a hose and a soft brush. Flushing the engine is painless,
thanks to the hose attachment itted for the purpose,
while the engine compartment remains dry and requires
little attention other than usual engine servicing.
Kirk’s ski carries enough fuel to give him a range of
over 100 nautical miles – he’s run all the way to Arid Island
east of Great Barrier and back again from Matarangi on
the eastern coast of the Coromandel Peninsula without
needing to dip into the extra fuel he was carrying.

I asked Kirk what attributes made a PWC suitable for ishing.
First up, he says, is size. Bigger skis provide superior
performance and comfort in rough water and tend to be

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