
(backadmin) #1
WITH AT LEAST HALF A DOZEN different wall and ceiling papers in an unusu-
ally elaborate arrangement, a rather masculine Arts & Crafts den has sev-
eral panels from Schmitz–Horning ’s famed San-kro-mura ‘Automobile’
frieze. (The full treatment, 30" high, has six 60" panels and runs 30 linear
feet without repeat.) Its humorous vignettes showing the perils of “a mid-
winter tour of Southern California”—road racing, road rage, and road-trip
repairs—are an ambivalent commentary on life with the era’s new-fangled
phenomenon in personal transport.
Pictorial friezes, many of them imported from Europe, were popular
from about 1905 until the Great Depression. Intaglio-printed in durable
oil-based inks, these papers allowed for more colors and a finer gradation
of tone than did traditional wallpapers. Subjects tended toward historical
scenes, lush landscapes, and whimsical or quirky themes known as novel-
ty papers. Will we celebrate new technologies with digital patterns today?
Or has progress rudely dispensed with novelty decorative treatments, leav-
ing them, like that old horse and buggy, in the ditch? a —Bo Sullivan



arts & crafts homes and the revival (usps #015-930) (issn 1559-6117) is published quarterly with an Annual Resource Guide in December for $29 by the Home Group of Active
Interest Media Inc. The known office of publication is located at 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301. Editorial office is located at 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301.
Periodicals Postage paid at Boulder, CO and additional offices. • Vol. XI, No. 5. • Postmaster: Send address changes to Arts & Crafts Homes, PO Box 420235, 11 Commerce Blvd., Palm
Coast, FL 32142. © Copyright 201 6 by Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc., El Segundo, CA.


From the catalog
“Modern Home
Decoration,” 1912
Apparently pastoral but with a
decidedly modern twist, the frieze
takes center stage in this highly
decorated period room.
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