
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Now try this...

How Andy can enhance his

portrait in ACR and Elements

ACR adjustments
In Elements go to File>Open in Camera
Raw. On the Basic tab set Exposure to
+0.20, Contrast to +30, Highlights to
+100 and Whites to -40. Set Clarity to
+100 and click Open Image.

Selective contrast
Add a Levels adjustment layer. Set
Shadows to 15 and Highlights to 235,
then take a black brush, click the
mask thumbnail and paint over areas
where shadows are too dark or
highlights too bright. Add a new layer,
and label it ‘vignette’.

Add a vignette
Take the Elliptical Marquee tool, and
draw a vignette-shaped selection. Go to
Select>Inverse, then go to Edit>Fill and
choose Black. Go to Select>Deselect,
then go to Filter>Gaussian Blur and
enter 170 pixels. Reduce the layer’s
opacity to 30
and fine-tune the
position and shape of the vignette with
the Move tool.


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