
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



Get smart (up to Elements 12)
To assign Smart Tags in Elements 12 (not later ver-
sions), press Cmd/Ctrl+A in the Media panel. Choose
File>Run Auto Analyzer. A purple Smart Tag icon will appear
below each thumbnail. Move the cursor over it and you’ll see
a Smart Tag keyword such as High Quality In Focus.


Identify your image tags
Go to View>Details. Attached tags are displayed as icons
below thumbnails in the Organizer’s Media panel. People
tags are represented by blue head-and-shoulder icons. If a
shot is in an Album it will feature a green photo-album icon
as a tag. Hover over the tag to see its label.


Tag new images
Click Clear or Back to see all the shots again. To assign
more tags, click the Tags/Info panel icon. You’ll see
existing people tags, plus any Groups you’ve created. You can
tag new people shots by dragging the appropriate tag onto a
thumbnail. You can also drag and drop Places tags onto shots.


Find images with problems
Smart Tags indicate common picture problems such as
Low Contrast or Too Bright. By typing problems into
the keyword search field at the top right you can quickly
discover photos that need work. You can then try using the
tools in the Instant Fix panel to overcome these problems.


Create new tags
Double click the cow image. Any tags already
assigned to the shot will be visible in the Tags panel.
To add a new custom tag, click the text field and type the
word Cow. Click the Add button. When you type cow into the
search field at the top right, this shot will be found.


Assign preset tags
Click the Image Tags text field at the bottom of the
Tags panel. A scrollable list will appear containing a
range of preset tags such as Nature, One Face and so on. Click
to choose a preset tag, then click a thumbnail and click Add
to assign the tag to the photo.
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